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Aspose.3D for Java 24.8 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

THREEDNET-1576Expose internal axis system utilities to user.Task
THREEDNET-1579Implement full XZ stream supportTask
THREEDNET-1578JT version 9.5 metadataImprovement
THREEDNET-1580Add PMI support for JT 9 formatImprovement
THREEDNET-1575Converted GLB Model RotationBug fixing
THREEDNET-1577Error “cannot open this file” for 3mf fileBug fixing

API changes

Added class com.aspose.threed.JtLoadOptions

     *  Load properties from JT's property table as Aspose.3D properties.
     *  Default value is false.
     * @return  Load properties from JT's property table as Aspose.3D properties. 
     * Default value is false.
    public boolean getLoadProperties()
     *  Load properties from JT's property table as Aspose.3D properties.
     *  Default value is false.
     * @param value New value
    public void setLoadProperties(boolean value)
     *  Load PMI information from JT file if possible, the data will be saved as property "PMI" of {@link com.aspose.threed.Scene#getAssetInfo}.
     *  Default value is false.
     * @return  Load PMI information from JT file if possible, the data will be saved as property "PMI" of {@link com.aspose.threed.Scene#getAssetInfo}.
     * Default value is false.
    public boolean getLoadPMI()
     *  Load PMI information from JT file if possible, the data will be saved as property "PMI" of {@link com.aspose.threed.Scene#getAssetInfo}.
     *  Default value is false.
     * @param value New value
    public void setLoadPMI(boolean value)

The new added JtLoadOptions allows you to instruct Aspose.3D to parse JT file’s meta data and save it as standard Aspose.3D’s properties.

Sample code

    var opt = new JtLoadOptions();
    var s = Scene.fromFile("test.jt", opt);
    for(var prop : s.getRootNode().getChildNodes().get(0).getProperties())
        System.out.println(prop.getName() + " = " + prop.getValue());

Added members to class com.aspose.threed.AxisSystem:

     *  Create a matrix used to convert from current axis system to target axis system.
     * @param targetSystem Target axis system
     * @return A new transformation matrix to do the axis conversion
    public Matrix4 transformTo(AxisSystem targetSystem)

     *  Create {@link com.aspose.threed.AxisSystem} from {@link com.aspose.threed.AssetInfo}
     * @param assetInfo From which asset info to read coordinate system, up and front vector.
     * @return Axis system containg coordinate system, up, front from given asset info
    public static AxisSystem fromAssetInfo(AssetInfo assetInfo)

Sample code

The new added method allows you to create a transformation matrix to convert vector from one axis system to another axis system.

    Scene scene = Scene.fromFile("test.fbx");
    //Create a new axis sytem with up vector to +Y axis and front to +X axis.
    var target = new AxisSystem(CoordinateSystem.LEFT_HANDED, Axis.Y_AXIS, Axis.X_AXIS);
    //Create a transform matrix from scene's current axis sytem to our custom axis sytem
    var transform = AxisSystem.fromAssetInfo(scene.getAssetInfo()).transformTo(target);
    //Apply the transform to all geometries in the scene.
    PolygonModifier.applyTransform(scene.getRootNode(), transform);

Added members to class com.aspose.threed.PolygonModifier:

     *  Apply transform matrix on control points of all geometries
     * @param node 
     * @param transform 
    public static void applyTransform(Node node, Matrix4 transform)

This new method allows you to apply a matrix to all control points of all descendent geometries.

Sample code

    Scene scene = Scene.fromFile("test.fbx");
    //Create a new axis sytem with up vector to +Y axis and front to +X axis.
    var target = new AxisSystem(CoordinateSystem.LEFT_HANDED, Axis.Y_AXIS, Axis.X_AXIS);
    //Create a transform matrix from scene's current axis sytem to our custom axis sytem
    var transform = AxisSystem.fromAssetInfo(scene.getAssetInfo()).transformTo(target);
    //Apply the transform to all geometries in the scene.
    PolygonModifier.applyTransform(scene.getRootNode(), transform);