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Aspose.3D for Java 24.9 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

THREEDNET-1576Expose internal axis system utilities to user.Task
THREEDNET-1589Allow export material and textures to 3MFTask
THREEDNET-1591Add texture import support for 3MFTask
THREEDNET-1292Support for 3MF format exportNew Feature
THREEDNET-1592IFC Import supportNew Feature
THREEDNET-1588Expose property’s internal flags and add extra data support for propertyImprovement
THREEDNET-1590Allow export thumbnail for 3MF fileImprovement
THREEDNET-1569MetadataDecoder NotImplemented #1Bug fixing

API changes

Added class com.aspose.threed.Microsoft3MFFormat

Added class com.aspose.threed.Microsoft3MFSaveOptions

These classes allows you to configure 3MF related features, like marking scene node to be buildable.

Removed class com.aspose.threed.DummyFileSystem

Removed class com.aspose.threed.LocalFileSystem

Removed class com.aspose.threed.MemoryFileSystem

Removed class com.aspose.threed.ZipArchiveFileSystem

Removed by schedule.

Removed members from class com.aspose.threed.AnimationChannel:

    public void addKeyframeSequence(KeyframeSequence sequence)
    public String getName()
    public List<KeyframeSequence> getKeyframeSequences()

Removed by schedule.

Removed members from class com.aspose.threed.BindPoint:

        public List<KeyframeSequence> GetKeyframeSequences(String channelName)

Removed by schedule.

Removed members from class com.aspose.threed.Transform:

    public Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.Vector3 getScale()
    public void setScale(Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.Vector3 value)

Removed by schedule.