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Aspose.3D for .NET 23.3 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

THREEDNET-1340Save scene from fbx to usd may throw exceptionBug fixing
THREEDNET-1341App bug - Save file to html may throw ArgumentNullExceptionBug fixing
THREEDNET-1343Meta data with null label saved to FBX file will failBug fixing
THREEDNET-1350Property with short int type is not supported in FBX exporterBug fixing
THREEDNET-1352Unsupported maya section VEC# in binary maya fileBug fixing
THREEDNET-1353Unsupported maya section SBDS in binary maya fileBug fixing
THREEDNET-1354Unknown UV set in binary maya file formatBug fixing
THREEDNET-1355NullReferenceException in loading a GLB fileBug fixing
THREEDNET-1356Unsupported maya command: instanceableBug fixing

API changes

In the 23.3 we’ve fixed some bugs in FBX and Maya, and there’re no API changes.