Internal Axis System Utilities
Aspose.3D for Node.js via Java 24.8 includes a new API with tools for handling the internal axis system and allowing users to create transformation matrices for efficient vector conversions.
Code example:
Scene scene = Scene.fromFile("test.fbx");
//Create a new axis sytem with up vector to +Y axis and front to +X axis.
var target = new AxisSystem(CoordinateSystem.LEFT_HANDED, Axis.Y_AXIS, Axis.X_AXIS);
//Create a transform matrix from scene's current axis sytem to our custom axis sytem
var transform = AxisSystem.fromAssetInfo(scene.getAssetInfo()).transformTo(target);
//Apply the transform to all geometries in the scene.
PolygonModifier.applyTransform(scene.getRootNode(), transform);
Full XZ Stream Support
You can now process JT files with complete XZ stream support and simplify the workflow for Node.js developers working with complex JT models.
Enjoy enhanced JT 9 format metadata support in the latest release of the Node.js 3D file processing API, including PMI data for precise 3D modeling.
New JtLoadOptions
Upgrade your 3D applications with the newly introduced class, enabling easy parsing of JT file metadata into standard Aspose.3D properties.
Code example:
var opt = new JtLoadOptions();
var s = Scene.fromFile("test.jt", opt);
for(var prop : s.getRootNode().getChildNodes().get(0).getProperties())
System.out.println(prop.getName() + " = " + prop.getValue());
With the latest method addition to the Node.js 3D library, you can apply transformation matrices to all control points in geometries.
Code example:
Scene scene = Scene.fromFile("test.fbx");
//Create a new axis sytem with up vector to +Y axis and front to +X axis.
var target = new AxisSystem(CoordinateSystem.LEFT_HANDED, Axis.Y_AXIS, Axis.X_AXIS);
//Create a transform matrix from scene's current axis sytem to our custom axis sytem
var transform = AxisSystem.fromAssetInfo(scene.getAssetInfo()).transformTo(target);
//Apply the transform to all geometries in the scene.
PolygonModifier.applyTransform(scene.getRootNode(), transform);
Bug Fixes
- THREEDNET-1575: Resolved an issue with GLB model rotation, improving rotation consistency.
- THREEDNET-1577: Fixed error “cannot open this file” when working with 3MF file formats, enhancing overall compatibility.
You can view the list of all new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in this release by visiting Aspose.3D for Node.js via Java 24.8 Release Notes.