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Aspose.3D for Node.js via Java 24.2 Release Notes
This page contains release notes information for Aspose.3D for Node.js via Java 24.2.
Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
THREEDJAVA-329 | Add native InputStream/OutputStream for Scene’s IO operations | Improvement |
THREEDNET-1499 | OBJ to GLTF - large number of vertices | Improvement |
THREEDNET-1509 | Upgrade .net 7.0 support to .net 8.0 | Improvement |
THREEDNET-1460 | Fbx exported skeleton nodes don’t have transformation but have pose instead | Bug fixing |
THREEDNET-1494 | Added KHR_mesh_quantization extension support in GLTF import | Bug fixing |
THREEDNET-1495 | Export animations from GLB to FBX may cause Slerp failed | Bug fixing |
THREEDNET-1496 | Unsupported attribute type may cause Maya importer stop | Bug fixing |
THREEDNET-1497 | Primitive without a valid property value may failed to load in USD | Bug fixing |
THREEDNET-1498 | 3MF external reference issue in build element | Bug fixing |
THREEDNJS-115 | Add the ’toRadian’ method to MathUtils in Node.js | Improvement |
API changes
This version is mainly a bug fixing version, a few API changes:
Added members to class com.aspose.threed.Mesh:
* Return triangulated mesh
* @return Current mesh if current mesh is already triangulated, otherwise a new triangulated mesh will be calculated and returned
public Mesh triangulate()
This function allows you to triangulate a mesh in simple way.
Sample code
//The plane mesh has only one polygon with 4 control points
Mesh mesh = (new Plane()).toMesh();
//After triangulated, the new mesh's rectangle will become 2 triangles.
Mesh triangulated = mesh.triangulate();
Added members to class com.aspose.threed.TriMesh:
* Add a new triangle
* @param a The index of first vertex
* @param b The index of second vertex
* @param c The index of third vertex
public void addTriangle(int a, int b, int c);
* Write vertices data to the specified stream
* @param stream The stream that the vertices data will be written to
public void writeVerticesTo(OutputStream stream) throws IOException;
* Write the indices data as 16bit integer to the stream
* @param stream
* </pre>
public void write16bIndicesTo(OutputStream stream) throws IOException;
* Write the indices data as 32bit integer to the stream
* @param stream
public void write32bIndicesTo(OutputStream stream) throws IOException;
This function allows you to manually add triangle to the TriMesh.
Sample code
int[] indices = new int[] { 0, 1, 2 };
byte[] vertices = new byte[]{
0, 0, 0, 191,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 191,
0, 0, 0, 191,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 63,
0, 0, 0, 63,
0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 63
VertexDeclaration vd = new VertexDeclaration();
vd.addField(VertexFieldDataType.F_VECTOR3, VertexFieldSemantic.POSITION);
//create an empty TriMesh with specified vertex declaration
var triMesh = new TriMesh("", vd);
//load vertices directly from bytes
triMesh.addTriangle(0, 1, 2);
Added members to class com.aspose.threed.Scene:
* Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param format File format.
* @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
public static Scene fromStream(InputStream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)
throws IOException
* Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param format File format.
public static Scene fromStream(InputStream stream, FileFormat format)
throws IOException
* Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.
* @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
public static Scene fromStream(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)
throws IOException
* Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.
public static Scene fromStream(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options)
throws IOException
* Opens the scene from given stream
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
public static Scene fromStream(InputStream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken)
throws IOException
* Opens the scene from given stream
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
public static Scene fromStream(InputStream stream)
throws IOException
* Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param format File format.
* @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
public void open(InputStream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)
throws IOException
* Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param format File format.
public void open(InputStream stream, FileFormat format)
throws IOException
* Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.
* @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
public void open(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)
throws IOException
* Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.
public void open(InputStream stream, LoadOptions options)
throws IOException
* Opens the scene from given stream
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
public void open(InputStream stream)
throws IOException
* Opens the scene from given stream
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task
public void open(InputStream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken)
throws IOException
* Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param format Format.
public void save(OutputStream stream, FileFormat format)
throws IOException
* Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param format Format.
* @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the save task
public void save(OutputStream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)
throws IOException
* Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param options More detailed configuration to save the stream.
public void save(OutputStream stream, SaveOptions options)
throws IOException
* Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.
* @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.
* @param options More detailed configuration to save the stream.
* @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the save task
public void save(OutputStream stream, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)
throws IOException
There were only Stream version of save/open/fromStream before, now we support InputStream/OutputStream from JDK.