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Aspose.3D for Python via .NET 23.10 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

THREEDNET-1424Integrate the manifold and boolean feature into Aspose.3DTask
THREEDNET-1431Show a message to stdout when trial exception suppressed.Task
THREEDNET-1435Issues updating to latest version because of removed dependency to System.DrawingSupport

API Changes

We’ll migrate to System.Numerics in the future, and these changes are the first step to make our product compatible to System.Numerics:

Added members to class aspose.threed.entities.Mesh:

        # Perform Boolean operation on two meshes
        def do_boolean(op : BooleanOperation, a : Mesh, transformA : Optional[Matrix4], b : Mesh, transformB : Optional[Matrix4]) -> Mesh

        # Calculate the union of two meshes
        def union(a : Mesh, b : Mesh) -> Mesh

        # Calculate the difference of two meshes
        def difference(a : Mesh, b : Mesh) -> Mesh

        # Calculate the intersection of two meshes
        def intersect (Mesh a, Mesh b) -> Mesh

The new feature allows you to perform Boolean operations on two meshes, this feature is experimental and only works on manifold tri-mesh, unfortunately the meshes converted from our 3D primitives are not manifold tri-mesh, in the future this issue will be fixed.

        a = Mesh();
        a.control_points.append(Vector4(0, 0, 0));
        a.control_points.append(Vector4(1540, 0, 0));
        a.control_points.append(Vector4(1540, 70, 0));
        a.control_points.append(Vector4(0, 70, 0));
        a.control_points.append(Vector4(0, 0, -278.282));
        a.control_points.append(Vector4(1540, 70, -278.282));
        a.control_points.append(Vector4(1540, 0, -278.282));
        a.control_points.append(Vector4(0, 70, -278.282));
        a.create_polygon(0, 1, 2);
        a.create_polygon(2, 3, 0);
        a.create_polygon(4, 5, 6);
        a.create_polygon(5, 4, 7);
        a.create_polygon(6, 2, 1);
        a.create_polygon(6, 5, 2);
        a.create_polygon(5, 3, 2);
        a.create_polygon(5, 7, 3);
        a.create_polygon(7, 0, 3);
        a.create_polygon(7, 4, 0);
        a.create_polygon(4, 1, 0);
        a.create_polygon(4, 6, 1);

        b = Mesh();
        b.control_points.append(Vector4(2.04636e-12, 70, 50000));
        b.control_points.append(Vector4(2.04636e-12, -1.27898e-13, 50000));
        b.control_points.append(Vector4(1470, -1.27898e-13, 50000));
        b.control_points.append(Vector4(1540, 70, 50000));
        b.control_points.append(Vector4(2.04636e-12, 70, -28.2818));
        b.control_points.append(Vector4(1470, -1.27898e-13, 0));
        b.control_points.append(Vector4(2.04636e-12, -1.27898e-13, 0));
        b.control_points.append(Vector4(1540, 70, -28.2818));

        b.create_polygon(0, 1, 2);
        b.create_polygon(2, 3, 0);
        b.create_polygon(4, 5, 6);
        b.create_polygon(5, 4, 7);
        b.create_polygon(6, 2, 1);
        b.create_polygon(6, 5, 2);
        b.create_polygon(5, 3, 2);
        b.create_polygon(5, 7, 3);
        b.create_polygon(7, 0, 3);
        b.create_polygon(7, 4, 0);
        b.create_polygon(4, 1, 0);
        b.create_polygon(4, 6, 1);

        # calculate the union of two meshes
        union = a.union(b);

        # calculate the difference of two meshes 
        diff = a.difference(b);

        # calculate the intersection of two meshes
        intersect = a.intersect(b);