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Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports 17.11 - Release notes
Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports has been updated to version 17.11 and we are pleased to announce it.
The following is a list of changes in this version of Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports.
Key | Summary | Category |
BARCODENET-36687 | Support to define settings “segments per row” | Feature |
BARCODENET-36635 | Ability generate a postal barcode with specified height | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-36667 | Remove Obsolete public API | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-36706 | Make consistent .NET Compact and Full Framework API | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-36551 | BarCode text alignment is not correct with Compact Framework | Bug |
BARCODENET-36586 | EAN13 barcode is not generating correct barcode image when using compact framework | Bug |
BARCODENET-36624 | Image has 3 Code39Standard barcodes in it, Aspose.BarCode is recognizing only 1 barcode | Bug |
BARCODENET-36628 | UPC-A barcode is not generating correct barcode image when using compact framework | Bug |
BARCODENET-36629 | Aspose.Barcode is not generating correct UPC-E barcode image when using compact framework | Bug |
BARCODENET-36632 | yDimension property doesn’t work | Bug |
BARCODENET-36637 | Incorrect recognition type for Code93Standard barcode | Bug |
BARCODENET-36638 | Can’t recognize DatabarStacked code | Bug |
BARCODENET-36639 | Incorrect recognition type for DatabarTruncated barcode | Bug |
BARCODENET-36641 | Unable to get the supplement code text from EAN13 coded barcode | Bug |
BARCODENET-36650 | Generates incorrect barcode for EAN14 | Bug |
BARCODENET-36651 | Incorrect recognition type for GS1Code128 barcode | Bug |
BARCODENET-36678 | Generates incorrect barcode for DatabarLimited | Bug |
BARCODENET-36676 | Generation DatabarExpandedStacked isn’t correct | Bug |
BARCODENET-36666 | Can’t recognize Pharmacode with AllSupportedTypes | Bug |
BARCODENET-36661 | Can’t recognize second barcode (DatabarExpandedStacked) | Bug |
BARCODENET-36660 | Aspose.Barcodes 17.06 BarCodeReader does not recognize a barcode types on .gif image format | Bug |
BARCODENET-36659 | Aspose.BarCode is unable to detect barcode in BMP format image whereas the same is working if in JPEG format image | Bug |
BARCODENET-36657 | Generates incorrect barcode for UPCE | Bug |
BARCODENET-36656 | Incorrect default height of Pharmacode | Bug |
BARCODENET-36655 | Incorrect recognition type for MacroPdf417 barcode | Bug |
BARCODENET-36694 | Incorrect text in picture for DatabarStacked | Bug |
BARCODENET-36681 | Recognition result isn’t correct for DatabarExpandedStacked | Bug |
BARCODENET-36679 | Unable to recognize DatabarStacked barcode | Bug |
BARCODENET-36688 | Index was out of range exception when try to recognize barcode from PDF | Bug |
BARCODENET-36701 | Incorrect DatabarLimited generation/recognition | Bug |
BARCODEJAVA-383 | Aspose.BarCode API is working strange with license file | Bug |
BARCODENET-36705 | Aspose.BarCode is detecting barcode from image that has no barcode on it | Bug |
BARCODENET-36702 | Recognized incorrect Supplement barcode | Bug |
BARCODENET-36700 | Aspose.BarCode is unable to recognize DataMatrix barcodes on a TIFF image | Bug |
BARCODENET-36695 | Aspose.BarCode is detecting more barcodes than present in PDF file | Bug |
BARCODENET-36675 | Reading barcode from PDF is returning garbage along with required output | Bug |