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Aspose.BarCode for .NET 16.10 Release Notes
Features and Improvements
Key | Summary | Category |
BARCODENET-36287 | Support for GS1-128 AI 8102 Coupon Extended Barcode | New Feature |
BARCODENET-36324 | Support for UPCA & GS1 Databar coupon | New Feature |
BARCODENET-36332 | Set Wide Narrow Ratio for barcode symbology : Code128 | New Feature |
BARCODENET-33941 | Can’t recognize PDF417 code using the Motorola DS4208 scanner | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-36336 | Barcode generated using Aspose.BarCode after printing is unable to recognized by laser scanner | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-36321 | Exclude several unwanted EAN8, MSI, Supplement barcodes | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-36335 | Generating QR barcode with custom height and width (GraphicsUnit: Inches, Pixel, Millimeter) is not working properly | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-36247 | ISSN barcode throws exception for a valid text | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-36277 | Improve the irregular grid to recognize more datamtrix | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-36338 | Unable to Read the EAN13 barcode from an image | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-36326 | License as Embedded resource is not working | Enhancement |
Usage examples:
BARCODENET-36287 Support for GS1-128 AI 8102 Coupon Extended Barcode Code sample
BarCodeBuilder barCodeBuilder = new BarCodeBuilder();
barCodeBuilder.SymbologyType = Symbology.UpcaGs1Code128Coupon;
// upca part is "514141100906", GS1Code128 part is "(8102)03"
barCodeBuilder.CodeText = "514141100906(8102)03";
BARCODENET-36324 Support for UPCA & GS1 Databar coupon Code sample
BarCodeBuilder barCodeBuilder = new BarCodeBuilder();
// upca part is "514141100906", GS1Databar part is "(8110)001234502239811110555"
barCodeBuilder.CodeText = "512345678900(8110)001234502239811110555";
barCodeBuilder.SymbologyType = Symbology.UpcaGs1DatabarCoupon;
barCodeBuilder.CaptionAbove.Text = "012345-022398";
BARCODENET-36332 Set Wide Narrow Ratio for barcode symbology Code sample:
BarCodeBuilder barCodeBuilder = new BarCodeBuilder("blackReduction", Symbology.Code128);
barCodeBuilder.xDimension = 1.2f;
barCodeBuilder.BarWidthReduction = 0.2f;
BARCODENET-33941 Can’t recognize PDF417 code using the Motorola DS4208 scanner Code sample:
BarCodeBuilder builder = new BarCodeBuilder();
builder.SymbologyType = Symbology.Pdf417;
builder.CodeLocation = CodeLocation.None;
builder.EnableEscape = true;
builder.AutoSize = false;
builder.AspectRatio = 4F; // invert 0.25f
builder.Pdf417ErrorLevel = Pdf417ErrorLevel.Level4;
builder.GraphicsUnit = System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Millimeter;
builder.ImageHeight = 25.4F; //25.4mm = 1in
builder.ImageWidth = 101.6F; //76.2F; //76.2mm = 3in 101.6mm=4in
builder.xDimension = .6F;
builder.Columns = 7;
builder.CodeText = @"<approximately 600 characters>";
builder.Save(@"pdf417barcode.bmp", BarCodeImageFormat.Bmp);
BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(@"pdf417barcode.bmp", DecodeType.Pdf417);
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine("CodeText: " + reader.GetCodeText() + " Type: " + reader.GetCodeType());
BARCODENET-36336 Barcode generated using Aspose.BarCode after printing is unable to recognized by laser scanner Code sample:
BarCodeBuilder barCodeBuilder = new BarCodeBuilder();
barCodeBuilder.CodeText = "15-11-48-02-1386";
barCodeBuilder.SymbologyType = Symbology.Code93Standard;
BARCODENET-36321 Exclude several unwanted EAN8, MSI, Supplement barcodes Code sample:
string[] filenames = {"00000039F.tif", "00000052B.tif"};
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < filenames.Length; i++)
BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(filename);
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine(" Symbol:" + reader.GetCodeType() + " Code :" + reader.GetCodeText());
The results:
Symbol:DataMatrix Code :DI411416000001
Symbol:DataMatrix Code :0220000000
Symbol:DataMatrix Code :DI411416000001
Symbol:DataMatrix Code :DMapp7of7
Symbol:DataMatrix Code :DMapp7of7
BARCODENET-36335 Generating QR barcode with custom height and width (GraphicsUnit: Inches, Pixel, Millimeter) is not working properly Code sample:
BarCodeBuilder builder = new BarCodeBuilder();
builder.SymbologyType = Symbology.QR;
builder.CodeText = ("123456789");
builder.Margins = new MarginsF(0,0,0,0);
float imageWidth = 2.5f;
float imageHeight = 2.5f;
builder.GetCustomSizeBarCodeImage(imageWidth, imageHeight, false).Save("customSize.png");
BARCODENET-36247 ISSN barcode throws exception for a valid text Code sample:
BarCodeBuilder barCodeBuilder = new BarCodeBuilder();
barCodeBuilder.CodeText = "0002-8231";
barCodeBuilder.SymbologyType = Symbology.ISSN;
barCodeBuilder.AutoSize = true;
// Save the image
BARCODENET-36338 Unable to Read the EAN13 barcode from an image Code sample:
string filename = @"Incorrect2.png";
using (BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(filename, DecodeType.EAN13))
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine(reader.GetCodeType() + ": " + reader.GetCodeText());
BARCODENET-36326 License as Embedded resource is not working Code sample:
static void Main(string[] args)
Aspose.BarCode.License license = new Aspose.BarCode.License();
Note: the code below will display the list of available resources (full names)
string[] resourceNames = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames();