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Aspose.BarCode for .NET 7.8.0 Release Notes
Features and Improvements
Key | Summary | Category |
BARCODENET-34399 | Add a manual hint “SkipRotatedBarcodes” | New Feature |
BARCODENET-34368 | Add new BarCode type: MICR (only reader) | New Feature |
BARCODENET-34364 | Add new BarCode type: Datalogic2of5 | New Feature |
BARCODENET-34363 | Add new BarCode type: Code32 | New Feature |
BARCODENET-34415 | Unable to recognize PDF417 barcode | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-34411 | System.OutOfMemoryException thrown for a specific PDF document | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-34403 | Incorrect Path IV recognition | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-34402 | Recognize DataMatrix barcode with small module and a blur | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-34400 | Unable to read PDF417 barcode with a data length of 650 characters | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-34397 | Support the API with more than 64 barcode types | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-34386 | Can’t recognize sample Aztec from specification | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-34373 | Can’t recognize Aztec with a lot of data | Enhancement |
BARCODENET-33818 | Can’t recognize DataMatrix code from a PNG image | Enhancement |
Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes
Enum BarCodeReadType has been marked as [OBSOLETE]
Since enum BarCodeReadType allows us to support only first 62 symbologies, new type has been added, and it is highly recommended to use new type called DecodeType instead.
BarCodeReadType will have been unavailable within two months term.
New types have been added to support more BarCode types
DecodeType, BaseDecodeType, SingleDecodeType, MultyDecodeType
These types will be further used in BarCodeReader instead of BarCodeReadType.
Create single decode type
SingleDecodeType singleType = DecodeType.QR
Dim singleType As SingleDecodeType
singleType = DecodeType.QR
Creates compound MultyDecode types that combine SingleDecodeType and MultiDecode types.
MultyDecodeType types1 = new MultyDecodeType(DecodeType.QR, DecodeType.DataMatrix);
MultyDecodeType types2 = new MultyDecodeType(types1, DecodeType.Code128, DecodeType.Code39Standard);
Dim multyType1 As MultyDecodeType
multyType1 = New MultyDecodeType(DecodeType.QR, DecodeType.DataMatrix)
Dim multyType2 As MultyDecodeType
multyType2 = New MultyDecodeType(multyType1, DecodeType.Code128, DecodeType.Code39Standard)
Namespaces have been updated
Public Namespaces have been re-arranged according to Microsoft guidelines.
The namespace Aspose.BarCodeRecognition has been replaced with Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeRecognition; BarCode.Common has been replaces with Aspose.BarCode.Common.
Thus, the namespaces Aspose.BarCodeRecognition, BarCode.Common are not available anymore.
BARCODENET-34399 Add a manual hint “SkipRotatedBarcodes”
New manual hint has been added to the available API: SkipRotatedBarcodes
It turns off rotation algorithms, and therefore, increases the recognition speed. It is available only for Datamatrix and the linear barcodes.Code sample
Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
string filename = @"Datamatrix12.jpg";
using (BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(filename, BarCodeReadType.GS1DataMatrix))
Console.WriteLine("Skip rotated barcodes");
reader.RecognitionMode = RecognitionMode.ManualHints;
reader.ManualHints = ManualHint.SkipRotatedBarcodes;
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine(reader.GetReadType() + ": " + reader.GetCodeText() + " QA:" + reader.GetRecognitionQuality());
Console.WriteLine("Time: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms.");
using (BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader(filename, BarCodeReadType.GS1DataMatrix))
Console.WriteLine("Not skip rotated barcodes");
watch = new Stopwatch();
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine(reader.GetReadType() + ": " + reader.GetCodeText() + " QA:" + reader.GetRecognitionQuality());
Console.WriteLine("Time: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms.");
Skip rotated barcodes
DataMatrix: Wikipedia on erinomainen tietosanakirja, josta löytyy paljon tietoa mm. viivakoodeista. QA:0
Time: 116ms.
Not skip rotated barcodes
DataMatrix: Wikipedia on erinomainen tietosanakirja, josta löytyy paljon tietoa mm. viivakoodeista. QA:0
Time: 436ms.
BARCODENET-34368 Add new BarCode type: MICR (only reader)
New barcode type MICR has been added*.*
It is available only as a feature of BarCodeReader class.Code sample
using (BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader("MICR.jpg", BarCodeReadType.MicrE13B))
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine(reader.GetReadType() + ": " + reader.GetCodeText());
BARCODENET-34364 Add new BarCode type: Datalogic2of5Code
Code sample (Generate)
BarCodeBuilder builder = new BarCodeBuilder("8500060000", Symbology.DataLogic2of5);
Code sample (Recognize)
using (BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader("DataLogic2of5.png", DecodeType.DataLogic2of5))
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine(reader.GetDecodeType() + ": " + reader.GetCodeText());
DataLogic2of5: 8500060000
BARCODENET-34363 Add new BarCode type: Code32
New barcode type Code32 has been added.Code sample (Generate)
BarCodeBuilder builder = new BarCodeBuilder("123456788", Symbology.Code32);
Code sample (Recognize)
using (BarCodeReader reader = new BarCodeReader("code32.png", BarCodeReadType.Code32))
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine(reader.GetReadType() + ": " + reader.GetCodeText());
Code32: 123456788