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Aspose.CAD for Java 23.6 - Release Notes

CADJAVA-11246OLE images are missingEnhancement
CADJAVA-11169Export IfcOpeningElementEnhancement
CADJAVA-11167Null reference when applying SHXEnhancement
CADJAVA-11165Enrich file formats with metadata about input/output applicabilityEnhancement
CADJAVA-11164BUG: MText.FullClearTextEnhancement
CADJAVA-11163Some parts of source image are not exported.Enhancement
CADJAVA-11162Exception “file format not supported” thrown while loading pcl files.Enhancement

| CADJAVA-11146 | Improve export to OBJ | Enhancement | | CADJAVA-11140 | Implement export of U3D to 3D PDF | Enhancement | | CADJAVA-11135 | DGN reading failure | Enhancement | | CADJAVA-10469 | Wrongly exported hungarian special characters from DWG to PDF | Enhancement | | CADJAVA-11134 | IFC to PDF conversion issue | Enhancement | | CADJAVA-11036 | DWF document is rendered in vertical orientation that is not correct | Enhancement | | CADJAVA-10999 | Exception throws when opening DWF document | Enhancement | | CADJAVA-11170 | Support CGM format | Feature | | CADJAVA-11159 | Implement writing properties of CadPdfUnderlay and CadPdfDefinition objects | Feature | | CADJAVA-11156 | Implement writing properties of CadDwfUnderlay and CadDwfDefinition objects | Feature | | CADJAVA-11148 | Implement writing the properties of the CadPlaneSurface object | Feature | | CADJAVA-11139 | Implement reading properties of SOLID_BACKGROUND and GRADIENT_BACKGROUND objects | Feature |