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Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 23.3

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File Details

  • Downloads:
  • 1
  • File Size:
  • 10.63MB
  • Date Added:
  • 9/3/2023


It contains Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 23.3 release.

File Details

Key Highlights

Enhanced Chart Precision

Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 23.3 offers more accurate and visually appealing chart rendering with improvements in label positioning, axis scaling, and overall chart appearance.

Formula Accuracy and Performance

You can benefit from refined formula calculations and error corrections for reliable spreadsheet results.

Data Import and Export Refinements

Experience smoother data conversion between Excel and other formats with the latest release of the Aspose.Cells for Android via Java API, including HTML and ODS.

Chart Customization for Your Android Apps

Effortlessly customize chart appearance with features like special major gridlines for radar charts.

Other Features and Enhancements

  • You can now interrupt formula calculations for improved responsiveness.
  • We have added support for sheet zoom and freeze panes when exporting/importing HTML.
  • Easily modify SmartArt object group generation logic using the Android Excel API release.
  • Efficiently utilize the Row 1 Filter Flag Option for enhanced filtering.
  • Fill tag in XLSX files for improved compatibility.
  • Process straight line fill type correctly when reading 03 format Excel files.
  • Support for horizontal flip for arrow lines is also added.
  • We have now introduced load options for GridWeb.

Top Bug Fixes

  • Resolved formula calculation errors and inconsistencies.
  • Corrected chart rendering issues, including label overlapping, axis inaccuracies, and legend positioning.
  • Addressed data display and formatting errors in HTML and ODS output.
  • Improved overall performance and stability.
  • Fixed various issues related to file loading, saving, and conversion.

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

  • Added XlsbSaveOptions.LightCellsDataProvider property for LightCell mode in XLSB saving.
  • Introduced Worksheet.CalculateArrayFormula() methods for dynamic array formula calculation.
  • Added CalculationOptions.CharacterEncoding property for formula character encoding.
  • Introduced EquationNode class for equation shape construction.
  • Added FileFormatType.XHtml and FileFormat.OneNote enums for file format detection.
  • Added FontConfigs.IsFontAvailable() method for font availability check.
  • Added LoadOptions.IgnoreUselessShapes property for ignoring useless shapes in XLSX files.
  • Expanded PivotArea properties for data and label selection.
  • Added SaveFormat.XHtml enum for saving as XHTML.
  • Introduced ListObject.PutCellFormula() method for setting cell formulas in tables.
  • Added VbaProject.Encoding property for VBA project encoding.
  • Added XmlSaveOptions.SheetNameAsElementName and XmlSaveOptions.DataAsAttribute properties for XML conversion options.
  • Modified Cells.DeleteBlankRows() behavior for blank row deletion.
  • Added RowCollection.iterator(bool reversed, bool sync) method for row iteration.
  • Obsoleted Cells.getRowEnumerator() method.
  • Obsoleted Chart.IsReferedByChart() method and added Chart.IsCellReferedByChart() method.
  • Added SeriesLayoutProperties.IsIntervalLeftClosed property for interval definition.
  • Added ShapeTextAlignment.IsLockedText property for text locking.
  • Removed ShapeFormat class and Shape.ShapeFormat property.
  • Added ListColumn.TotalsRowLabel property for table totals row label.
  • Added ListObject.PutCellValue(Int32,Int32,Object,Boolean) method for setting cell values in tables.
  • Added PivotAreaType enum and PivotArea.RuleType property for pivot area type definition.
  • Introduced PivotTableFormat and PivotTableFormatCollection classes for pivot table formatting.
  • Added PivotTable.PivotFormats property for accessing pivot table formats.
  • Added PivotTable.AutofitColumnWidthOnUpdate property for autofitting column width on update.
  • Introduced PivotAreaFilter and PivotAreaFilterCollection classes for pivot area filters.
  • Added PivotArea.Filters property for accessing pivot area filters.
  • Added PivotArea.IsRowGrandIncluded and PivotArea.IsColumnGrandIncluded properties for including row or column grand totals.
  • Added PivotArea.AxisType property for pivot area axis type.
  • Added PivotArea.IsOutline property for pivot area outline mode.
  • Added ImageOrPrintOptions.SetDesiredSize(int desiredWidth, int desiredHeight, bool keepAspectRatio) method for setting desired image size.
  • Added PdfSaveOptions.Watermark property for adding watermarks to PDF output.
  • Added AutoFitterOptions.ForRendering property for rendering purposes.
  • Added RowCollection.iterator(bool reversed, bool sync) method for reversed row iteration.
  • Added ListColumn.GetDataStyle() and ListColumn.SetDataStyle(Style) methods for list column styling.
  • Added ListObject.PutCellFormula(int,int,string,bool) method for setting cell formulas in tables.
  • Added RevisionLogCollection.HighlightChanges(HighlightChangesOptions) method and HighlightChangesOptions class for highlighting revision logs.
  • Added FileFormatType.GZip enum for GZip file detection.

You can view the list of all new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in this release by visiting Aspose.Cells for Android via Java 23.3 Release Notes.
