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Aspose.Cells for CPP 24.5 Release Notes

CELLSNET-52256Support XMATCH functionNew Feature
CELLSNET-55475Support XOR functionNew Feature
CELLSNET-55521Transpose data of the rangeNew Feature
CELLSNET-55531Support obtaining properties of advanced filtering settingsNew Feature
CELLSNET-55494Support determining whether the ReferredArea is a entire row or a entire columnEnhancement
CELLSNET-55640Floor function returns #NUM! for negative numberEnhancement
CELLSNET-55252Export metadata of cell into pdf , image and htmlEnhancement
CELLSNET-55497Process font RGBA color with style background colorEnhancement
CELLSNET-55498Remove picture in cell when set value to the cellEnhancement
CELLSNET-55574Some formats are not yet supported when converting LoadFormat to extensionEnhancement
CELLSCPP-1073ArgumentException thrown on startupBug
CELLSNET-55454Missing or incorrect SmartArt inner shape propertiesBug
CELLSNET-55511Asian line break issue for shapes when rendering Excel file to PDFBug
CELLSNET-55518Fix the issue where the text box height was incorrect when the text was in Japanese.Bug
CELLSNET-55523Read SVG throws exception when converting html to xlsxBug
CELLSNET-55375Chart not rendered as expected when converting XLSX to PDFBug
CELLSNET-55493INDEX(FILTER(?);1) working incorrectly inside LAMBDABug
CELLSNET-55529Currency format for negative value was formatted with brackets instead of ‘-’ for CannadaBug
CELLSNET-55536ISNA(INDIRECT()) was calculated as #REF! but it is true in ms excelBug
CELLSNET-55600Formula evaluation shows incorrect valueBug
CELLSNET-55648Wrong records are hiding due to Workbook.RefreshDynamicArrayFormulas()Bug
CELLSNET-55651The value in a cell is truncated to 255 characters in light weight mode when opening the XLS workbook in MS ExcelBug
CELLSNET-55669Typo error in API for range mergingBug
CELLSNET-55343Chart display error when calling SheetRender.ToImageBug
CELLSNET-55408Text with the same font displays differently when converting chart to imageBug
CELLSNET-55442Excel Combo chart control rendering to an Image reduces width to 50% of the original Excel rangeBug
CELLSNET-55559The chart title is not rendered correct when set FarEastName and LatinName at the same timeBug
CELLSNET-55473Image in header is lost when saving Excel file as PDFBug
CELLSNET-55510Excel page splitted to two PDF pagesBug
CELLSNET-55512Excel to PDF does not maintain last row on print-preview pageBug
CELLSNET-55287Skewed cells rendering error when converting file to HTMLBug
CELLSNET-55387When load a html file, table element can not be turned into list object.Bug
CELLSNET-55501Some text colors are white when importing html fileBug
CELLSNET-55500Wrong Horizontal Alignment if zero indent level is setBug
CELLSNET-55524Pivot table and pivot chart are not calculated/rendered correctly in the output imageBug
CELLSNET-55526Extra rows are inserted while adding a list object without header rowsBug
CELLSNET-55530Unable to copy data to the specified area after calling Worksheet.AdvancedFilterBug
CELLSNET-55543Chart formatting is changed on worksheet copyBug
CELLSNET-55560NullReferenceException occurs when calling CalculateFormula methodException
CELLSNET-55573Exception occurred while deleting cache folderException
CELLSNET-55652Formula “TEXTAFTER” throws NullReferenceExceptionException
CELLSNET-55686Throwing ArgumentOutOfRangeException when loading XLS files via streamException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for C++. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Changes the returned value of FileFormatUtil::LoadFormatToExtension(LoadFormat::TabDelimited)

In old versions, we returned “txt” for tab delimited text file. From 24.5, we return the most specific extension of “tsv” for it.

Adds IsEntireRow/IsEntireColumn methods in ReferredArea.

Indicates whether the area reference is entire row or column.

Adds GetBuiltInPreference/SetBuiltInPreference methods in DefaultStyleSettings and GetDefaultStyleSettings method in WorkbookSettings.

Indicates which property should be used to format values when the used style defines both built-in number and custom pattern.

Adds GetAddGenericFont/SetAddGenericFont methods in HtmlSaveOptions.

Indicates whether to add a generic font to CSS font-family saving file to html.

Adds IsBorderCollapsed/SetIsBorderCollapsed methods in HtmlSaveOptions.

Indicates whether the table borders are collapsed when saving file to html.

Adds AdvancedFilter class.

Gets the settings of advanced filter.

Add CellsUnitType enum.

Represents the unit type.

Adds Range.UnionRanges() method and obsoletes Range.UnionRang() method.

Uses Range.UnionRanges() method instead.

Adds Range.Transpose() method.

Transposes the row to column of the range.

Adds Cells.GetRowHeight(Int32,Boolean,CellsUnitType) method and obsoletes Cells.GetRowOriginalHeightPoint() method.

Gets the height of the row in unit of type.

Adds GetColumnWidth(Int32,Boolean,CellsUnitType) method method

Gets the width of the column in unit of type.

Obsolets Cells.GetColumnOriginalWidthPoint(Int32), GetColumnWidthPixel(Int32,Boolean) and GetColumnWidthInch(Int32) methods.

Uses Cells.GetRowHeight(Int32,Boolean,CellsUnitType) method instead.

Adds GetAdvancedFilter method in Worksheet

Gets the settings of advanced filter.

Adds GetPosition method in PivotItem

Gets the position index in all the PivotItems,not the PivotItems under the same parent node.

Adds GetPositionInSameParentNode method in PivotItem

Gets the position index in PivotItems under the same parent node.