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Aspose.Cells for CPP 25.1 Release Notes

CELLSNET-57607Support to ignore the calculation of custom functions to keep the original spilled range and values of dynamic array formulasNew Feature
CELLSNET-54281Support saving autoshapes and free shapes to ods fileEnhancement
CELLSNET-57494Support to get expression of external table reference while calculating formulas with user’s custom engineEnhancement
CELLSNET-57503Support to calculate external table reference when external workbook source has been setEnhancement
CELLSNET-57254Aspose.Cells for .NET uses vulnerable dependencyEnhancement
CELLSNET-57440Improvements for trimming in Blazor WebAssembly publishingEnhancement
CELLSNET-57456Upgrade referenced SkiaSharp library to v3.116.1 for Blazor WebAssembly with net9.0 target frameworkEnhancement
CELLSNET-57492Support Format 2 subtable in cmap table of fontEnhancement
CELLSNET-57485Support CSS custom properties when conveting file to htmlEnhancement
CELLSNET-57429Reimplement API of pivot conditional fomatttingEnhancement
CELLSNET-57541Support reading and writing Forms setting in the TableEnhancement
CELLSNET-57550Simplify importing of list of rows data into cellsEnhancement
CELLSNET-57486Shape to image error when saving file to pdfBug
CELLSNET-57407Issue of Equal filtering in non English environmentsBug
CELLSNET-5741130 2310469658 was trimed and parsed as numeric value 30Bug
CELLSNET-57608TEXTSPLIT function was not calculated correctly when there is row separator onlyBug
CELLSNET-57609The result of HYPERLINK function is incorrect for value types other than stringBug
CELLSNET-57418Solve the problem of text clipped and line breaks in bar chartBug
CELLSNET-57460Strikethrough style lost when converting chart to xpsBug
CELLSNET-57461Double strikethrough style lost when converting chart to xpsBug
CELLSNET-57469Certain values in the chart not rendered fine in the chart to image conversionBug
CELLSNET-57501Extra text is printed in chartBug
CELLSNET-57565Fix Area background color error in chartBug
CELLSNET-55926Published Blazor WASM App unable to load WorkbookBug
CELLSNET-55946Error setting license in AOT Blazor AppBug
CELLSNET-56800XLSX to PDF: Chinese fonts are not applied in PDF fileBug
CELLSNET-57462The position of the text strikethrough line becomes lower when converting file to xpsBug
CELLSNET-57463Text italics and bold styles are lost when converting file to xpsBug
CELLSNET-57573Font name in the generated pdf is garbled while converting workbook to pdfBug
CELLSNET-57405The result file is corrupted after calling workbook.CalculateFormula()Bug
CELLSNET-57408Invalid refreshed result of filtering by Date EqualBug
CELLSNET-57427Pivot table conditional formatting not workingBug
CELLSNET-57432After pivot replacement wrong data source was shownBug
CELLSNET-57471Conditional format is not same as in MS excelBug
CELLSNET-57472PivotFilter is not being applied when adding filter to pivot table to filter “(blank)” valueBug
CELLSNET-57487Charts overlap with the tables when saving file bytes to xlsxBug
CELLSNET-57516INDIRECT function failed due to case sensitivity in table column namesBug
CELLSNET-57540Data misalignment when exporting data to DataTableBug
CELLSNET-57548Font size and font style getting changed after saving Excel fileBug
CELLSNET-57549The generated xlsx file is corrupted after converting an ods fileBug
CELLSNET-57583Invalid pivot formatBug
CELLSNET-57613The smart tags in the template file are still retained after calling WorkbookDesigner.Process(false)Bug
CELLSNET-57446NullReferenceException occurs when importing json as data source of smartmarkerException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for C++. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds one method in AutoFilter class.

Supports to get the refreshed/re-calculated range of auto filter according to current cells data.

Adds two methods in HtmlSaveOptions class

Optimize the output of html by using CSS custom properties. For example, for the scenario that there are multiple occurences for one base64 image(IconSets or Pattern style), with custom property the image data only needs to be saved once so the performance of the resultant html can be improved.

Adds one method in Workbook class.

Create a style with option whether cloning default style.

Adds four methods in PivotArea class

Select a pivot area which contains a field.

Convert a pivot area to cell areas.

Adds PivotAreaCollection class.

Represents a list of pivot areas.

Adds PivotConditionalFormat and PivotConditionalFormatCollection classes, obsoletes PivotFormatCondition and PivotFormatConditionCollection classes

Use PivotConditionalFormat and PivotConditionalFormatCollection instead.

Obsoletes some methods and replace them with others in PivotTable class.