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Aspose.Cells for Java 16.11.0 Release Notes

CELLSJAVA-42042Support Subtotal/Total labels in other languagesNew Feature 
CELLSJAVA-41994Cell’s text overflows to next cellBug 
CELLSJAVA-42039CalculateFormula has issue to recalculate cells with reference to cells with formulasBug 
CELLSJAVA-42050Hebrew control characters are not rendered correctly in PDFBug 
CELLSJAVA-42020XLS to PDF conversion is taking too much timeBug 
CELLSJAVA-42017Layout problem when converting spreadsheet to PDFBug 
CELLSJAVA-42023X-axis labels are overlapping with Legend when rendered to PDF Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42022Picture does not scale well and its SVG file is not correctBug 
CELLSJAVA-42003Incorrect rendering of Chart while converting spreadsheet to HTMLBug 
CELLSJAVA-41986Spaces are omitted from text in PNG output of ChartBug 
CELLSJAVA-41438Selection or check state not saved when saving to PDFBug 
CELLSJAVA-41339Text and text alignment is messed up in the file (01_the_manure_tool_baltic_20131215_incl_logo.xlsx) Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42056Extending MS Excel table/ list object changes cells formattingBug 
CELLSJAVA-42055Adding Arc to a new Workbook generates a potentially unsafe spreadsheetBug 
CELLSJAVA-42038Table column resolving broken if containing ‘[’Bug 
CELLSJAVA-42021Issue with extending Excel Table/List Object content regarding formulasBug 
CELLSJAVA-42019Incorrect formula returned from a worksheet cellBug 
CELLSJAVA-42004java.lang.NullPointerException, at Workbook ctor while loading the XLSX fileException 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds Workbook.AbsolutePath property

Gets and sets the Absolute path of the file. Only used for external links.

Adds GlobalizationSettings class and WorkbookSettings.GlobalizationSettings property

Gets and sets the globalization settings.

Removes obsoleted Cell.GetConditionalStyle() method

Use Cell.GetConditionalFormattingResult() method instead.

Removes obsoleted Cells.MaxDataRowInColumn(int column) method

Use Cells.GetLastDataRow(int) method instead.

Removes Obsoleted PageSetup.Draft property

Use PageSetup.PrintDraft property instead.

Removes obsoleted AutoFilter.FilterColumnCollection property

Use AutoFilter.FilterColumns property instead.

Obsoletes the Style constructor and adds CellsFactory class

Use CellsFactory.CreateStyle() method instead.

Removes obsoleted TickLabels.Rotation property

Use TickLabels.RotationAngle property instead.

Adds GridHyperlinkCollection.GetHyperlink(GridCell cell) method

Gets the cell’s Hyperlink object. If there is no Hyperlink of the cell, it returns null.

Adds GridHyperlinkCollection.GetHyperlink(int row,int column) method

Gets the cell’s Hyperlink object. If there is no Hyperlink of the cell, it returns null.
