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Aspose.Cells for Java 18.1 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSJAVA-42493 | Provide an option to decide whether exporting workbook properties (parent issue id: CELLSJAVA-42471) | New Feature |
CELLSJAVA-42491 | Provide an option to decide whether exporting document properties (parent issue id: CELLSJAVA-42471) | New Feature |
CELLSJAVA-42498 | Create a PdfBookmarkEntry for a Chart sheet | New Feature |
CELLSJAVA-42464 | Fix needed for all ActiveX controls (parent issue id: CELLSJAVA-42442) | Enhancement |
CELLSJAVA-42490 | Exclude unused styles when exporting Excel file to HTML (parent issue id: CELLSJAVA-42471) | Enhancement |
CELLSJAVA-42473 | Parts of images are truncated or missing and they do not match with original source images | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42469 | Image protrudes from the Shape in the output PDF | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42461 | Element shape is incorrect in the output HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42495 | Excel to Html - Wrapping text is ignored | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42489 | XLSB file gets corrupt after opening and saving | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42487 | HTML output discrepancy - Issue with spaces | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42471 | Irrelevant data included when saving to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42467 | XLSB corrupted after re-saving | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42488 | 15 digits numbers do not match what is in MS Excel | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42499 | Margins and layout differences when comparing the output PDF (by Aspose.Cells) with the MS Excel generated PDF | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42486 | Feature does not work in Java - ResultSet | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42500 | NullPointerException occurs while loading the MS Excel file | Exception |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds LoadOptions.ParsingPivotCachedRecords property
Indicates whether parsing pivot cached records when loading the file.The default value is false.Only applies to Excel Xlsx, Xltx, Xltm, Xlsm and Xlsb file formats.
Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExcludeUnusedStyles property
Indicates whether excluding unused styles.The default value is false. If you want to import the HTML or Mht file to Excel, please keep the default value.
Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportDocumentProperties property
Indicates whether exporting document properties.The default value is true. If you want to import the HTML or Mht file to Excel, please keep the default value.
Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorksheetProperties property
Indicates whether exporting worksheet properties.The default value is true. If you want to import the HTML or Mht file to Excel, please keep the default value.
Adds HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorkbookProperties property
Indicates whether exporting workbook properties.The default value is true. If you want to import the HTML or Mht file to Excel, please keep the default value.
Adds PivotTable.GetChildren() method
Gets the the children Pivot Tables which use this PivotTable data as data source.