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Aspose.Cells for Java 23.11 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSJAVA-45676 | Add static final Color for default font color | New Feature |
CELLSJAVA-41132 | Support for PDF version 1.5 while rendering spreadsheets to PDF format | New Feature |
CELLSJAVA-41133 | Support for PDF version 1.6 while rendering spreadsheets to PDF format | New Feature |
CELLSJAVA-45673 | Add HtmlSaveOptions.CalculateFormula property like other save options so user may choose to calculate formulas or not befor saving | Enhancement |
CELLSJAVA-45669 | DAYS360 function works incorrectly in case of leap day | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45672 | The LOOKUP function obtains an error value after calculation in a Chinese environment | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45666 | Sheet to Image rendering - EMF+ required error instead of images on the sheet | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45667 | Converting files to PDF takes too long | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45538 | Content of some cells not fully displayed within the width of the column when printed to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45632 | Incorrect data display when converting file to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45644 | Date format error when converting file to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45670 | Abnormal cell merging when converting files to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45671 | Extra tag is added when text overflows the cell in the output html. | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45674 | Missing border when converting file to html | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-40799 | Filter in the template to ignore blank rows stop working after Pivot Table refresh | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-41829 | Pivot Table becomes unresponsive after simply resaving the spreadsheet | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-42825 | Filter on labels are not applied during Worksheet.refreshPivotTables call | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43006 | Protected view when saving output as xls file | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43029 | Protected view when saving sample.xlsx as xls file | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45677 | Workbook.isLicensed() returns false after setting the license | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45680 | The result file crash after adding treemap chart | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45630 | Exception occurs when converting file to HTML | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-40097 | Read XLSX: java.lang.NullPointerException | Exception |
CELLSJAVA-45652 | Exception occurred while resaving the file | Exception |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Changes the constant values for FormatConditionType
Constants defined for FormatConditionType have been changed. User’s applications need to be re-compiled with the new version of Aspose.Cells.
Adds HtmlSaveOptions.CalculateFormula property
If formulas in workbook need to be re-calculated to get correct result for generated html files, user may call Workbook.CalculateFormula() manually before Workbook.Save(), or specify this property as true to force formulas to be re-calculated automatically while saving HTML files.
Adds HtmlSaveOptions.FormatDataIgnoreColumnWidth property
Indicating whether show the whole formatted data of cell when overflowing the column.
Adds CellsHelper.NeedQuoteInFormula() method
Check whether the name of the sheet should be enclosed in single quotes when adding reference to the sheet.
Adds and obsoletes some ErrorCheckType enum
Use new enums instead.
Adds methods: GetShortTextOf12Months(),GetTextOf4Quaters(),GetTextOfYears(),GetTextOfQuarters(),GetTextOfMonths(), GetTextOfDays(),GetTextOfHours(),GetTextOfMinutes(),GetTextOfSeconds() and GetTextOfRange() of PivotGlobalizationSettings
Gets the local text of date time for pivot table.
Adds PivotFieldGroupSettings class and PivotField.GroupSettings property; obsoletes SxRng class and PivotField.SxRng property
Used PivotField.GroupSettings property instead.
Obsoletes PivotTable.SetUngroup() method and adds PivotField.Ungroup() method
Please use PivotField.Ungroup() method instead to ungroup the pivot field.
Obsoletes PivotTable.SetAutoGroupField() and SetManualGroupField() methods
Please use PivotField.GroupBy() method.
Adds PivotField.GroupBy() methods
Group the pivot field.
Adds Range.AddHyperlink() method
Add a hyperlink for the range.
Adds PivotFieldGroupType enum
Represents the group type of pivot field.
Adds CustomPiovtFieldGroupItem and PivotDiscreteGroupSettings classes
Represents the discrete group of the pivot field.
Adds PivotGroupByType.Numbers and obsoletes PivotGroupByType.RangeOfValues enum
Use PivotGroupByType.Numbers enum instead to group the pivot field by numberic values.
Adds PivotNumbericRangeGroupSettings class
Represents the settings of numberic groups for the pivot field.
Adds PivotDateTimeRangeGroupSettings class
Represents the settings of date time groups for the pivot field.
Adds ImageOrPrintOptions.EmfRenderSetting property
Setting for rendering Emf metafile while rendering to image.
Adds XpsSaveOptions.EmfRenderSetting property
Setting for rendering Emf metafile while rendering to XPS.
Adds PdfCompliance.Pdf14, Pdf15, Pdf16, Pdf17 enum
Supports to render to Pdf format compatible with PDF 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7.
Obsoletes PdfCompliance.None enum
Please use PdfCompliance.Pdf14 instead.
Obsoletes Legend.LegendEntriesLabels property and adds Legend.GetLegendLabels() method
Please use Legend.GetLegendLabels() method instead.