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Aspose.Cells for Java 24.12 Release Notes

CELLSJAVA-43676MultiThreading Issue - Unparseable dateNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-46184Aspose.Cells 24.11 Xlsx to Pdf: Text positioning issue after conversionBug
CELLSJAVA-46185Some graphics display errors when converting file to HTMLBug
CELLSJAVA-46170MROUND formula obtained incorrect value after calling Workbook.calculateFormulaBug
CELLSJAVA-46178Incorrect formula calculation result after calling workbook.calculateFormula()Bug
CELLSJAVA-46157Gradient fill in 3D graph data series does not show properly when converting file to PDF or EMF imageBug
CELLSJAVA-46172The chart in Excel doesn’t match the chart saved as an imageBug
CELLSJAVA-46177The horizontal axis data and some text font styles are incorrect when converting chart to imageBug
CELLSJAVA-46089Superscript in the same worksheet cell with normal text is not shown properly in EMFBug
CELLSJAVA-46180Save to HTML: incorrect cell background colorBug
CELLSJAVA-46175Content is missed from the cell while Converting file to PDFBug
CELLSJAVA-46191Long text truncated in cells when the cell text exceeds the 32767 character limitBug
CELLSJAVA-46054SheetRender.toimage throws exception under JDK21Exception
CELLSJAVA-46174XLSX to PDF: NumberFormatException: For input string: “100%”Exception
CELLSJAVA-46179NullPointerException occurs when loading sample fileException
CELLSJAVA-46181“com.aspose.cells.CellsException: Invalid ValidationType string val” when loading an Excel spreadsheetException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds AbstractFormulaChangeMonitor class.

Support to monitor formula changes during certain operations such as inserting/deleting cells range.

Adds FormulaChangeMonitor property for InsertOptions and DeleteOptions.

Support to monitor cell changes during inserting/deleting cells range.

Adds methods Cells.InsertColumns()/DeleteColumns()/DeleteRows() with user specified options.

Support to insert/delete rows/columns with user specified options.

Obsoletes PivotFilterCollection.Add() method, replace it with multiple methods for specific data types.

To add filter of specific data type, please use specific method of:


Obsoletes some enums of PivotFilterType and replace them with more intuitive and readable names.

DateNewerThan -> DateAfter
DateOlderThan -> DateBefore
DateNewerThanOrEqual -> DateAfterOrEqual
DateOlderThanOrEqual -> DateBeforeOrEqual
Q* -> Quarter*
M* -> corresponding month names: January, February, ...

Adds methods for PivotField to get and set filter of specific type.

Filter by top10: FilterTop10()
Filter by value: FilterByValue()
Filter by caption: FilterByLabel()
Filter by date caption: FilterByDate()

Adds methods for PivotFilter to get filter settings of specific type.

Settings of top10 filter: GetTop10Value()
Settings of value filter: GetNumberValues()
Settings of label filter: GetLabels()
Settings of date filter: GetDateTimeValues()

Adds SaveOptions.CheckExcelRestriction property.

Indicates whether checking restriction of Excel when saving files.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.DisableCss.

Indicates whether only inline styles are applied, without relying on CSS.

Adds ReplaceOptions.StyleFlags property.

Replaces font settings with flags when replacing content in the file.

Adds PowerQueryFormula.GroupName property.

Gets the group name of the power query formula.

Obsoletes WarningInfo.WarningType and adds WarningInfo.Type property.

Use WarningInfo.Type property instead.

Adds PivotField.RegionType property.

Specifies the region of the PivotTable that this field is displayed.

Adds PivotField.IsValueFields property.

Indicates whether this field represents all value fields.

Adds PivotField.ClearFilter() method.

Clears the filter of the pivot field.

Adds PivotFilter.UseWholeDay property.

Indicates whether uses whole days in its filtering criteria.

Obsoletes PivotFilter.AutoFilter property.

Please use specific PivotField.Filter…() or PivotFilterCollection.Add…() method according to the required filter type.

Adds PivotFilter.FilterCategory property.

Indicates the category of pivot filter.

Adds PivotFilter.MeasureCubeFieldIndex property.

Gets and sets the cube data field index of this pivot filter.

Obsoletes PivotFilter.MeasureFldIndex and adds PivotFilter.ValueFieldIndex property.

Uses PivotFilter.ValueFieldIndex instead.

Adds PivotFilterType.None enum.

Represents no pivot filter.

Adds FilterCategory enum.

Represents the category of the pivot filter.

Adds FilterOperatorType.NotBeginsWith and FilterOperatorType.NotEndsWith enum.

Represents not begins and ends operator type of the filter.

Adds some new enums for ExceptionType to represent some specific types of CellsException.


Adds GridUpdateMonitor class in GridJs.

Monitor for user to track the change of update operation.

Adds UpdateMonitor property for GridJsWorkbook in GridJs.

Gets and sets the update monitor to track update operation.