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Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.9.1 Release Notes

1) Aspose.Cells

CELLSNET-44274Support TTE font type while rendering spreadsheets to PDFNew Feature 
CELLSNET-42277Use private characters in PDF renderingEnhancement 
CELLSNET-44630Numbers formatting (DateTime) lost when importing data from DataGrid (.NET)Enhancement 
CELLSNET-44626Chart copied with CopyRows still reference the source worksheet in Chart Data RangeEnhancement 
CELLSNET-44619Convert Date String to Date FormatEnhancement 
CELLSNET-44625Colspan as 2 increases the HTML loading and conversion time drasticallyPerformance
CELLSNET-44338Performance degradation while rendering spreadsheets to PDFPerformance
CELLSNET-44610Bold attribute is lost while converting HTML to XLSXBug 
CELLSNET-44609Direction of contents is changed while converting HTML to XLSXBug 
CELLSNET-44608Borders are missing while converting HTML to XLSXBug 
CELLSNET-44607Cell shading is missing while converting HTML to XLSXBug 
CELLSNET-44606Contents are missing while converting HTML to XLSXBug 
CELLSNET-44605Improper conversion of HTML to XLSXBug 
CELLSNET-44579MHTML to XLS/XLSX is coming back as blank documentBug 
CELLSNET-44572Issue with hyperlinks referencing a worksheet in the same documentBug 
CELLSNET-44617SumProduct formula is not calculated correctlyBug 
CELLSNET-44604Missed text after XLS to Pdf/A conversionBug 
CELLSNET-44603Vertical alignment issue with cell content touching the top border while rendering spreadsheets to PDFBug 
CELLSNET-44602Horizontal alignment issue with values preceded by $ sign while rendering spreadsheets to PDFBug 
CELLSNET-42715Lost fonts in the PDF Bug 
CELLSNET-44637Result of CalculateTextSize is always the default height if text in a TextBox contains new linesBug 
CELLSNET-44635Chart is not correct in the sample2.xlsx (Excel to PDF conversion)Bug 
CELLSNET-44634Data Tables are not correct in the sample2.xlsx (Excel to PDF conversion) Bug 
CELLSNET-44633Data Tables are not correct in the sample1.xlsx (Excel to PDF conversion) Bug 
CELLSNET-44623Modified radar chart marker does not convert to PDF properlyBug 
CELLSNET-44601Horizontal axis labels are missing in Chart to image renderingBug 
CELLSNET-44570Issue with WordArt shape’s formatting in the rendered PDF fileBug 
CELLSNET-44655Alignment is not working inside a TextBoxBug 
CELLSNET-44646File is corrupted (with hyperlink becomes normal text) after processed by Aspose.Cells APIsBug 
CELLSNET-44639Re-embedding the presentation slide in XLS results in presentation view upon double clickingBug 
CELLSNET-44631Excel error “Cannot start the source application for this object” after reinserting the OleObject of Bitmap typeBug 
CELLSNET-44629Formula results in #REF error after copying the rows and calculating formulasBug 
CELLSNET-44624Date format not retained when saving as SpeadsheetML file Bug 
CELLSNET-44618Inserting range of cells causes background for some cells disappearedBug 
CELLSNET-44614Path issue with external data links for XLS spreadsheetsBug 
CELLSNET-44611Resaving spreadsheet with custom theme causes error in Open XML SDKBug 
CELLSNET-44649Custom Calculation Engine causes the calculation happen only onceBug 
CELLSNET-44584System.FormatException occurred when importing an HTML fileException 
CELLSNET-44643Exception thrown when opening the fileException 
CELLSNET-44612CellsException: Error in Cell: O93-Invalid formula while loading XLSM which was saved with Aspose.CellsException 
CELLSNET-44600System.ArgumentException at Workbook.SaveException 

2) Aspose.Cells Grid Suite

CELLSNET-41833Issue when using Percentage2 Number FormatNew Feature 
CELLSNET-44592Vertical scroll bar appears for the container when height of the GridWeb is set to 100%Bug 
CELLSNET-44576Cursor is not moving when ShowCellEditBox is set trueBug 
CELLSNET-44575Merging cells second time is not workingBug 
CELLSNET-44555Problem setting the value of a cell with percentage formatBug 
CELLSNET-44652GridDesktop does not have evaluation limitations when used in WPF applicationBug 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds CopyOptions.ReferToDestinationSheet property and Cells.CopyRows(Cells sourceCells, int sourceRowIndex, int destinationRowIndex, int rowNumber, CopyOptions copyOptions) method

Specifies whether to refer to destination worksheet (as a data source for the chart) while copying rows/range. When copying the range and the chart refers to the source sheet, False means the copied chart’s data source will not be changed. True means the copied chart’s data source refers to the destination sheet.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.FilePathProvider property

Gets or sets the IFilePathProvider for exporting Worksheet to html separately.

Adds IFilePathProvider interface

Represents the exported file path provider.

Adds FontConfigs class

Specifies font settings.

Adds FontSourceBase class

This is an abstract base class for the classes that allow the user to specify various font sources.

Adds FileFontSource class

Represents the single TrueType font file stored in the file system.

Adds FolderFontSource class

Represents the folder that contains TrueType font files.

Adds MemoryFontSource class

Represents the single TrueType font file stored in memory.

Adds FontSourceType enum

Specifies the type of a font source.

Adds CalculationOptions.Recursive property

Specifies whether calculate the dependent cells recursively when calculating one cell and it depends on other cells.

Obsoletes CellsHelper.FontDir property

Use FontConfigs.SetFontFolder(string, bool) method with folder recursive to false instead.

Obsoletes CellsHelper.FontDirs property

Use FontConfigs.SetFontFolders(string[], bool) method with folder recursive to false instead.

Obsoletes CellsHelper.FontFiles property

Use FontConfigs.SetFontSources(FontSourceBase[]) instead.
