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Aspose.Cells for .NET 18.2 Release Notes

CELLSNET-45889Convert cell content to Hyperlink - ImportTableOptions.IsFormulas option  New Feature 
CELLSNET-45886Set comment’s marginsNew Feature 
CELLSNET-45855Provide WorkbookSetting.StreamProvider to control external resourcesNew Feature 
CELLSNET-45845Unsupported external stylesheet during round trip conversionEnhancement 
CELLSNET-45888DDE link is not present inside Worksheets.ExternalLinksEnhancement 
CELLSNET-45893Aspose.Cells.GridWeb does not enter text like Microsoft Excel when wrap text is enabledEnhancement 
CELLSNET-45833Image properties (Title and Subject) are lost in Shape to image conversionBug 
CELLSNET-45822Inverted characters in labels when converting Excel to PDF Bug 
CELLSNET-45776Some columns data is not fully expanded/displayed when saving an MHtml file to Excel file formatBug 
CELLSNET-44829Output HTML does not match with Microsoft ExcelBug 
CELLSNET-44319Pivot table filter value is not retained upon refreshBug 
CELLSNET-45887‘#VALUE!’ error for ArrayFormula’s calculationBug 
CELLSNET-458833D Pie chart - is not rendered good in the output PDFBug 
CELLSNET-45881Opening and saving the input Excel file causes Red Protected View warning in MS ExcelBug 
CELLSNET-45880Part of x-axis labels are rendered in the second line in chartBug 
CELLSNET-45864EMF converted from Aspose.Cells is not exactly accurateBug 
CELLSNET-45885The type (attribute) of external link is changed after open/saveBug 
CELLSNET-45872Unable to read Excel data connection when its type is CSVBug 
CELLSNET-45868PrintTitleRows property value disappears after open and save by Aspose.CellsBug 
CELLSNET-45865Special characters used in a column name is not working - Smart Markers issueBug 
CELLSNET-45858Change of link source is impacting contents of drop-downsBug 
CELLSNET-45857Corrupted file when copying sheet from one workbook to anotherBug 
CELLSNET-45901Textbox alignment lost when rendered to PDFBug 
CELLSNET-45875Cell value is lost and some part of x-axis labels are rendered in the second lineBug 
CELLSNET-45873Implementation of interactive control for groups of radio buttons in GridWebBug 
CELLSNET-45902Worksheet becomes over sized and unresponsive when navigating to or clicking it in Aspose.Cells.GridWebBug 
CELLSNET-45849Image is getting outside of grid worksheet sizeBug 
CELLSNET-45824Images in Excel file are not shown in normal size when importing the file into Aspose.Cells.GridDesktopBug 
CELLSNET-45874Exception “Input string was not in a correct format” when importing the Excel file into Aspose.Cells.GridWebException 

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds LoadDataFilterOptions.DefinedNames enum

Indicates whether loading defined Name objects when loading template file.

Changes the behavior of LoadDataFilterOptions.Formula enum

In older versions we always load defined Name objects when loading formulas. Now we provide separate enum for defined Name objects explicitly, so Formula enum will only denote that formulas should be loaded now, no matter the defined Name objects will be loaded or not. However, one thing should be noted, commonly defined Name objects are used by formulas, if user only loads formulas and does not load the defined Name objects, the cell formula which refers to those Names will become corrupted and may cause Exception. So, generally if user wants to load formulas, the defined Name objects should be loaded too. But user can load only defined Name objects without loading formulas.

Add SheetType.Dialog enum

Represents dialog sheet.

Adds WorkbookSettings.MaxRowsOfSharedFormula property

Gets and sets the max row number of shared formula. The shared formula will be split to several shared formula if the total rows of shared formula is greater than it.

Adds WorkbookSettings.StreamProvider property

Gets and sets the stream provider for external resource.

Adds ShapeTextAlignment.IsAutoMargin property

Indicates whether the margin of the text frame is atuomatic.

Adds ImportTableOptions.IsFormulas property

Represents which column in the datatable should be imported as formulas.
