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Aspose.Cells for .NET 18.8 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSNET-42992 | Apply text alignment to partial text inside the TextBox | New Feature |
CELLSNET-44155 | Read/write connections of XLSB file | New Feature |
CELLSNET-46123 | Support parsing formulas of revision logs to binary array | New Feature |
CELLSNET-46220 | Set ContentCopyForAccessibility option while converting spreadsheet to PDF file format | New Feature |
CELLSNET-43560 | Encrypt an ODS file | New Feature |
CELLSNET-43556 | Open encrypted ODS file | New Feature |
CELLSNET-46209 | Support reading and writing DConn of XLS file | New Feature |
CELLSNET-43326 | Add overloads to CopyRows and CopyColumns with Paste Special options | New Feature |
CELLSNET-41637 | Retrieve Subtotaling settings | New Feature |
CELLSNET-46252 | Argument to skip row/rows as data headers in exporting range to datatable | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-46226 | Ink Annotations become regular images after conversion | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-41693 | Auto-fit columns improvement is included | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-46263 | Application hangs while converting XLS to PDF | Performance |
CELLSNET-46262 | Cell background is wrong when cell text orientation is inclined in the output PDF | Bug |
CELLSNET-44761 | Text in a shape has not rendered correctly in PDF | Bug |
CELLSNET-43916 | Shape shadow is missing while converting spreadsheet to HTML | Bug |
CELLSNET-46251 | Application hangs while converting XLSX to HTML | Bug |
CELLSNET-46241 | Problem with multilines in HTML | Bug |
CELLSNET-46219 | Width from HTML tag is not followed while converting HTML to XLSX | Bug |
CELLSNET-46280 | Exception raised while importing data into Excel file with SmartMarkers | Bug |
CELLSNET-46267 | Issue with data filtering top rows | Bug |
CELLSNET-46264 | R1C1Formula property has changed its behavior | Bug |
CELLSNET-46258 | Issue calculating reverse VLOOKUP array formula | Bug |
CELLSNET-46197 | Data validation issue - if inserting wrong value and clicking other cell does not automatically restore validation cell to its previous value | Bug |
CELLSNET-46276 | Excel to PDF conversion - an empty page is added | Bug |
CELLSNET-46275 | Large PDF created from XLS | Bug |
CELLSNET-46259 | Converting Excel to PDF adds straight line | Bug |
CELLSNET-46255 | Page number issue (in the footer) in Excel to PDF rendering | Bug |
CELLSNET-46238 | Encrypted ODS file loading failed | Bug |
CELLSNET-46231 | Text in column A cells is not rendered properly in the output PDF | Bug |
CELLSNET-46165 | Aspose.Cells stops responding when trying to convert an Excel file to PDF file format | Bug |
CELLSNET-46236 | Corrupted MS Excel file after anonymization | Bug |
CELLSNET-45192 | The saved XLS file is shown in protect view | Bug |
CELLSNET-46235 | The image can’t be displayed when saving to XLS format | Bug |
CELLSNET-46225 | Handling carriage return with in double quotes | Bug |
CELLSNET-46218 | After executing AutoFitColumns, the words of column are still not fully rendered | Bug |
CELLSNET-46139 | Workbook.DataConnections is not showing the Connection Information of XLS file | Bug |
CELLSNET-46042 | Slashes are converted into back slashes after changing external links | Bug |
CELLSNET-45377 | Data connections not found in XLS document | Bug |
CELLSNET-44487 | Data Connection is lost while converting XLT to XLSM | Bug |
CELLSNET-44486 | Data Connection is lost while converting XLS to XLSM | Bug |
CELLSNET-43563 | Charts are lost when XLSX is converted to ODS | Bug |
CELLSNET-41002 | Equation disappears during format conversion (XLSX -> XLS) | Bug |
CELLSNET-46277 | Exception when calculating formulas | Exception |
CELLSNET-46249 | Exception is thrown when reading HTML file | Exception |
CELLSNET-46246 | The exception is thrown while adding digital signature on cloud platform server of GroupDocs | Exception |
CELLSNET-46232 | Invalid cell name exception while loading the XLSX file | Exception |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds PdfSecurityOptions.AccessibilityExtractContent property
Permission to copy or extract content (in support of accessibility to disabled users or for other purposes).
Adds DigitalSignature(System.Byte[],System.String,System.String,System.DateTime) constructor
Constructor of DigitalSignature.
Adds SubtotalSetting class
Represents the setting of subtotal.
Adds Cells.RetrieveSubtotalSetting(CellArea) method
Retrieves the setting of subtotal.
Adds overload Range.ExportDataTable(Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions) method.
Supports options of exporting range.
Adds WebQueryConnection.IsSameSetting property and deletes WebQueryConnection.IsFirstRow property
Use WebQueryConnection.IsSameSetting property instead.
Adds WebQueryConnection.IsXmlSourceData property and deletes WebQueryConnection.IsSourceData property
Use WebQueryConnection.IsXmlSourceData property instead.
Adds Shape.IsEquation property
Indicates whether the shape contains equation.
Adds overload Cells.CopyColumns(Int32,Int32,PasteOptions) and Cels.CopyRows(Int32,Int32,PasteOptions) method
Supports paste options when copying rows and columns.
Adds Axis.IsAutoTickLabelSpacing property
Indicates whether tick label spacing is automatic.