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Aspose.Cells for .NET 20.10 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Cells for .NET 20.10.
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSNET-47625 | Verifies password for encrypted files | New Feature |
CELLSNET-47601 | Render extra row and column in HTML without disturbing formulas/references to resemble the output with MS Excel | New Feature |
CELLSNET-47619 | Aspose Chart SetChartDataRange Problem | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-47632 | Structure and order difference in OLE of the input and output after saving the file | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-47644 | Different external connections fetched as compared to MS Excel | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-47652 | Font spacing issues when set characters format | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-47623 | Slow save operation with lots of formulas in file | Performance |
CELLSNET-47606 | Application hangs while converting Excel to PDF | Performance |
CELLSNET-47611 | IRR formula calculation issue | Bug |
CELLSNET-47616 | Delete Range behaving differently between v20.8 and v20.9 | Bug |
CELLSNETCORE-83 | Excel file was not displayed properly in GridWeb | Bug |
CELLSNETCORE-86 | Shape display problem in GridWeb | Bug |
CELLSNET-47597 | The fill areas are very different comparing to the source file | Bug |
CELLSNET-47614 | Some symbols are missing in the output PDF in Excel to PDF rendering | Bug |
CELLSNET-47636 | Excel to PDF conversion - The result goes over the page in landscape orientation | Bug |
CELLSNET-47637 | Converting Excel to PDF issue with Calibri Light | Bug |
CELLSNET-42982 | Chart size & Layout were changed after Workbook.Combine | Bug |
CELLSNET-47594 | Option to get PlotBy and OnAction information similar to MS Excel | Bug |
CELLSNET-47595 | Chart was not retained properly in Excel file while loading and saving it back | Bug |
CELLSNET-47599 | AddControlRefrernce does not add a reference to MS Forms 2.0 | Bug |
CELLSNET-47600 | Form control names and few other properties are different as compared to MS Excel | Bug |
CELLSNET-47613 | LTR and RTL are not preserved after load and save with XLSB file | Bug |
CELLSNET-47615 | Power point file embedded in Excel file cannot be opened after save | Bug |
CELLSNET-47645 | Repair message raised by MS Excel after loading and saving Excel files with Aspose.Cells | Bug |
CELLSNET-47647 | Repair message raised by Excel while converting XLSB->XLSX->XLSB | Bug |
CELLSNET-47648 | XLSB file is corrupted after conversion (XLSB->XLSX-XLSB) | Bug |
CELLSNET-47658 | Font size is rounded when we have specified Decimal Symbol with Region setting | Bug |
CELLSNETCORE-81 | “Wrap text” option is not preserved in XLSB file after Load and Save | Bug |
CELLSNETCORE-82 | Specific sheet inside XLSB file breaks after load and save | Bug |
CELLSNETCORE-84 | Styling information returned along with the header text | Bug |
CELLSNETCORE-85 | Cells.InsertCutCells corrupts notes | Bug |
CELLSNET-47544 | Images are missing and text’s position was wrong when rendering Excel in Linux | Bug |
CELLSNET-47571 | HTML conversion from XLS goes into a continuous conversion loop | Bug |
CELLSNET-47583 | PivotTable.TableRange2 gives wrong value for the pivot table | Bug |
CELLSNET-47584 | Aspose.Cells HTML to Excel conversion did not show images | Bug |
CELLSNET-47609 | Diagram is not shown in html when sheet has no other content | Bug |
CELLSNET-47633 | Pivot table with dates does not update correctly | Bug |
CELLSNET-47635 | Slicer on different table generates corrupted file | Bug |
CELLSNET-47620 | Shape to image Error while saving to PDF | Exception |
CELLSNET-47608 | NullReferenceException on loading XLSX | Exception |
CELLSNET-47624 | System.ArgumentException when loading encrypted file to XLAM | Exception |
CELLSNET-47630 | Specified argument was out of the range of valid values exception when deleting column | Exception |
CELLSNET-47649 | Exception is raised while reading DBConnection.PowerQueryFormula from XLSX file | Exception |
CELLSNET-47655 | CellsException during Excel to PDF conversion | Exception |
CELLSNETCORE-80 | Unable to cast object exception while converting XLSB to XLSM | Exception |
CELLSNET-47593 | Exception when trying to open particular HTM | Exception |
CELLSNET-47656 | Shape to image Error when converting XLSB to PDF | Exception |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds ExceptionType.Permission enum
Represents ExceptionType.Permission.
Adds ExternalConnection.PowerQueryFormula property.
Gets the definition of power query formula.
Adds FileFormatUtil.VerifyPassword method.
Verifies whether the password is valid for the file.
Adds VbaProject.Copy() method.
Copies VBA project.
Adds XlsSaveOptions.MatchColor property.
Indicates whether matching color if the color is not in the palette when saving .xls file.
Deletes obsoleted Series.Line property.
Use Series.Border property instead.