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Aspose.Cells for .NET 20.6 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Cells for .NET 20.6.
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSNET-47353 | Support for storing temp file for session info in GridWeb | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-47388 | GridWeb SessionMode.File shall store cache file for different page/tab | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-46062 | Legend of Chart is not rendered properly because of Asian and Latin Characters | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-47373 | Saving workbook into PDF MemoryStream lasts more than 2 minutes | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-43418 | Copy and paste (data only) a non-contiguous range | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-47315 | The file could not be open when saved to zip64 | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-47384 | Improve loading picture/shape performance | Performance |
CELLSNET-47382 | HTML to Excel conversion loses formatting | Bug |
CELLSNET-47390 | The color of some words is wrong in HTML to ODS rendering | Bug |
CELLSNET-47385 | Cells.InsertCutCells breaks on workbooks with a range intersection | Bug |
CELLSNET-47389 | HLOOKUP calculation not correct | Bug |
CELLSNET-47352 | After clicking on the text, the text disappears | Bug |
CELLSNET-47380 | The column does not align | Bug |
CELLSNET-47366 | Points not rendered to PDF file | Bug |
CELLSNET-47364 | Axis labels rendered incorrectly if the worksheet is rendered as an image | Bug |
CELLSNET-47370 | Chart point missing and shape squeezed while loading and saving Excel file | Bug |
CELLSNET-47367 | Wrong axis arrow direction when converting the chart to an image | Bug |
CELLSNET-47362 | SourceFullName and ImageType are incorrect | Bug |
CELLSNET-47375 | XLSX converted to corrupted XLS file. | Bug |
CELLSNET-47398 | Worksheet.Cells.ImportData is skipping rows when splitting data into multiple sheets | Bug |
CELLSNET-47371 | Exception on refreshing pivot table(s) in the sheet | Exception |
CELLSNET-47377 | Worksheet.RefreshPivotTables() raises exception | Exception |
CELLSNET-47393 | Aspose.Cells.CellsException: Circular references | Exception |
CELLSNET-47365 | Exception when loading an XLSX file | Exception |
CELLSNET-47381 | Picture.Data property throws an ArgumentOutOfRange exception | Exception |
CELLSNET-47374 | Breaking Change in RemoveACell when Upgrading from 19.10 to 20.5 | Regression |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds ReferredArea.GetValues(bool calculateFormulas)/GetValue(int rowOffset, int colOffset, bool calculateFormulas) method.
Gives the user the ability to control whether formulas should be calculated recursively in the implementation of AbstractCalculationEngine.
Adds WarningType.InvalidFontName and WarningType.InvalidTextOfDefinedName enum.
Represents the warning type.
Adds WarningInfo.CorrectedObject and WarningInfo.ErrorObject properties.
Represents the wrong data and updated data when a warning is thrown.
Adds WorkbookDesigner.RepeatFormulasWithSubtotal properties.
Indicates whether repeating formulas with subtotal rows.
Adds PlotArea.IsAutomaticSize property.
It indicates whether the size of the plot area is automatic.
Deletes obsoleted Style.Rotation property.
Use Style.RotationAngle property instead.
Adds Gridweb.SetFontFolder(string fontFolder, bool recursive)/SetFontFolders(string[] fontFolders, bool recursive) method.
Sets the fonts folder/folders