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Aspose.Cells for .NET 23.11 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSNET-54121 | Support copy/delete/insert/rename worksheet operation in UI for GridDesktop | New Feature |
CELLSNET-54125 | Support auto extend max rows/columns when do paste operation in GridDesktop | New Feature |
CELLSNET-54220 | Support SheetPrintingPreview in GridDesktop | New Feature |
CELLSNET-54226 | Support PdfSaveOptions in GridDesktop | New Feature |
CELLSGRIDJS-775 | Support insert text box | New Feature |
CELLSGRIDJS-888 | Support insert form control for radio button | New Feature |
CELLSGRIDJS-901 | Support insert form control for CheckBox | New Feature |
CELLSGRIDJS-929 | Support insert form control for ComboBox | New Feature |
CELLSNET-43181 | Support to convert spreadsheets to PDF file version 1.7 | New Feature |
CELLSNET-54319 | Support generating ISO32000-1:2008 PDF | New Feature |
CELLSNET-54422 | Support to localize date(such as “Months”, “Year” and so on) grouping field | New Feature |
CELLSGRIDJS-776 | Support insert common shapes | New Feature |
CELLSGRIDJS-826 | Support show Gradient Fill for cell background | New Feature |
CELLSNET-52796 | Support LET function | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-54151 | Support keeping data when removing pivot tables | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-54389 | Support .NET Core build for GridDesktop | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-54421 | Support auto format cell style after paste operation for GridWeb | Enhancement |
CELLSGRIDJS-928 | Improve the rendering effect of wrapped text | Enhancement |
CELLSGRIDJS-934 | Improve render effect for wraped text for rich text | Enhancement |
CELLSGRIDJS-940 | Add option for selection behavior for text box control in read mode | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-52346 | Removes all merged cells in the range when calling Cells.Unmerge() | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-54112 | Performance issue with removing Named Ranges | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-54357 | Update enum ErrorCheckType according to new version of ms excel | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-54509 | Remove metering lic when set normal lic | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-54324 | Issue with rendering shapes in Sheet to Image conversion | Bug |
CELLSNET-54231 | XIRR producing negative results in cases where Excel returns very large or very small values | Bug |
CELLSNET-54305 | Add color filter results are incorrect | Bug |
CELLSNET-54475 | Cells.UnhideRows() cannot work for empty rows when IsDefaultRowHidden is true | Bug |
CELLSNET-54552 | DataSorter sorting error with more than 1 sort key | Bug |
CELLSNET-54531 | InsertCutCells breaks cell reference | Bug |
CELLSNET-54593 | Hidden rows are incorrect after applying auto-filter | Bug |
CELLSNET-53900 | Graph lines disappear when converted to PDF or PNG | Bug |
CELLSNET-54353 | Chart with incorrect values when saving to image | Bug |
CELLSNET-54385 | Template replacement failed when calling Chart.ChangeTemplate method | Bug |
CELLSNET-54439 | System.OverflowException: ‘Value was either too large or too small for an Int32’ at Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Calculate method | Bug |
CELLSNET-54453 | The Value and Category axis is not same as Excel when do chart to image | Bug |
CELLSNET-54476 | The chart type changed after resaving the xlsx file | Bug |
CELLSNET-54488 | The chart is not displayed correctly after the conversion | Bug |
CELLSNET-54148 | GridDesktop raise exception when click on the specific cell for the customer’s file | Bug |
CELLSNET-54168 | The filter list values does not show completely as in MS-Excel when the sheet has hidden rows | Bug |
CELLSNET-54206 | Cell format ui and add/edit hyperlink ui have no localization info in resource file for GridDesktop | Bug |
CELLSNET-54548 | Image/shape rendered at wrong position in razor page | Bug |
CELLSGRIDJS-938 | Selecting textbox control and then scrolling the page will make the render position of the text out of the textbox | Bug |
CELLSNET-54409 | Cell text is not wrapped for distributed vertical alignment while saving file to PDF | Bug |
CELLSNET-54444 | Picture is missing when converting to XPS | Bug |
CELLSNET-54522 | Printing problem with Bold and Underline in Arial | Bug |
CELLSNET-54308 | Vertical Alignment not coming in style | Bug |
CELLSNET-54441 | Sheet tab display error and page display confusion when converting file tohtml | Bug |
CELLSNET-41734 | Retain filter information in Pivot table when the source table is cleared | Bug |
CELLSNET-43747 | Wrong displaying of Grouped Rows in Pivot Table | Bug |
CELLSNET-44970 | Position of the Pivot Items have changed after refreshing the Pivot Table and rendering to PDF | Bug |
CELLSNET-45172 | The generated file is corrupted | Bug |
CELLSNET-46222 | The generated file is corrupted | Bug |
CELLSNET-47044 | Date formatting problem in the first column cells in the pivot table | Bug |
CELLSNET-48087 | The generated file is corrupted when converting xlsb file with pivottable to .xls | Bug |
CELLSNET-53742 | Protected view after resaved the xls file | Bug |
CELLSNET-54053 | Refreshed pivot table is not same as MS Excel | Bug |
CELLSNET-54376 | Support detecting whether worksheet names should be wrapped in single quotes | Bug |
CELLSNET-54387 | The template remains in the shared state after setting Workbook.Settings.Shared to false | Bug |
CELLSNET-54396 | Excel file corrupted when adding pivot table, pivot chart and slicer to it | Bug |
CELLSNET-54492 | Setting default Style on a cell (PivotFieldType.Row) in pivot table corrupts the file | Bug |
CELLSNET-54507 | Conditional formatting is lost when saving a particular spreadsheet to PDF | Bug |
CELLSGRIDJS-939 | Cell text does not render while cell style fill effects has two color gradient setting | Bug |
CELLSNET-54162 | ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurred when calling Cell.GetConditionalFormattingResult() method | Exception |
CELLSNET-54204 | Cell.HtmlString color:inherit throws an Exception “System.ArgumentException: Convert invalid primitive (Parameter ’text’)” | Exception |
CELLSNET-54496 | ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception throws while openning XLSX file in TH culture | Exception |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Changes the constant values for FormatConditionType
Constants defined for FormatConditionType have been changed. User’s applications need to be re-compiled with the new version of Aspose.Cells.
Adds HtmlSaveOptions.CalculateFormula property
If formulas in workbook need to be re-calculated to get correct result for generated html files, user may call Workbook.CalculateFormula() manually before Workbook.Save(), or specify this property as true to force formulas to be re-calculated automatically while saving HTML files.
Adds HtmlSaveOptions.FormatDataIgnoreColumnWidth property
Indicating whether show the whole formatted data of cell when overflowing the column.
Adds CellsHelper.NeedQuoteInFormula() method
Check whether the name of the sheet should be enclosed in single quotes when adding reference to the sheet.
Adds and obsoletes some ErrorCheckType enum
Use new enums instead.
Adds methods: GetShortTextOf12Months(),GetTextOf4Quaters(),GetTextOfYears(),GetTextOfQuarters(),GetTextOfMonths(), GetTextOfDays(),GetTextOfHours(),GetTextOfMinutes(),GetTextOfSeconds() and GetTextOfRange() of PivotGlobalizationSettings
Gets the local text of date time for pivot table.
Adds PivotFieldGroupSettings class and PivotField.GroupSettings property; obsoletes SxRng class and PivotField.SxRng property
Used PivotField.GroupSettings property instead.
Obsoletes PivotTable.SetUngroup() method and adds PivotField.Ungroup() method
Please use PivotField.Ungroup() method instead to ungroup the pivot field.
Obsoletes PivotTable.SetAutoGroupField() and SetManualGroupField() methods
Please use PivotField.GroupBy() method.
Adds PivotField.GroupBy() methods
Group the pivot field.
Adds Range.AddHyperlink() method
Add a hyperlink for the range.
Adds PivotFieldGroupType enum
Represents the group type of pivot field.
Adds CustomPiovtFieldGroupItem and PivotDiscreteGroupSettings classes
Represents the discrete group of the pivot field.
Adds PivotGroupByType.Numbers and obsoletes PivotGroupByType.RangeOfValues enum
Use PivotGroupByType.Numbers enum instead to group the pivot field by numberic values.
Adds PivotNumbericRangeGroupSettings class
Represents the settings of numberic groups for the pivot field.
Adds PivotDateTimeRangeGroupSettings class
Represents the settings of date time groups for the pivot field.
Adds ImageOrPrintOptions.EmfRenderSetting property
Setting for rendering Emf metafile while rendering to image.
Adds XpsSaveOptions.EmfRenderSetting property
Setting for rendering Emf metafile while rendering to XPS.
Adds PdfCompliance.Pdf14, Pdf15, Pdf16, Pdf17 enum
Supports to render to Pdf format compatible with PDF 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7.
Obsoletes PdfCompliance.None enum
Please use PdfCompliance.Pdf14 instead.
Obsoletes Legend.LegendEntriesLabels property and adds Legend.GetLegendLabels() method
Please use Legend.GetLegendLabels() method instead.
Adds GridPivotTableCollection.RemoveAt() method
Remove the PivotTable at the specified index in GridDesktop.
Adds GridSheetRender class
Represents a worksheet render which can render worksheet to various images such as (BMP, PNG, JPEG, TIFF..) in GridDesktop.
Adds GridImageOrPrintOptions class
Allows to specify options when rendering worksheet to images, printing worksheet or rendering chart to image in GridDesktop.
Adds GridSheetPrintingPreview class
Represents worksheet printing preview in GridDesktop.
Adds GridPdfSaveOptions class
Represents the options for saving pdf file in GridDesktop.
Adds UnhideColumns()/UnhideRows() methods for GridCells
Unhides the hidden columns/rows in GridDesktop.