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Aspose.Cells for .NET 23.12 Release Notes

CELLSNET-54102Support option to show or hide formula warning message in GridDesktopNew Feature
CELLSNET-54713Support render picture with rotation in GridDesktopNew Feature
CELLSNET-54730Support to adjust worksheet order operation in GridDesktopNew Feature
CELLSNET-54744Support GridImportTableOptions and GridExportTableOptions for import/export datatableNew Feature
CELLSGRIDJS-944Support to render cell text with rotation angleNew Feature
CELLSNET-54667Support for PDF/A-2b(ISO 19005-2) compliance while converting workbook to pdfNew Feature
CELLSNET-54668Support for PDF/A-2u(ISO 19005-2) compliance while converting workbook to pdfNew Feature
CELLSNET-54669Support for PDF/A-2a(ISO 19005-2) compliance while converting workbook to pdfNew Feature
CELLSNET-54670Support for PDF/A-3b(ISO 19005-3) compliance while converting workbook to pdfNew Feature
CELLSNET-54671Support for PDF/A-3u(ISO 19005-3) compliance while converting workbook to pdfNew Feature
CELLSNET-54672Support for PDF/A-3a(ISO 19005-3) compliance while converting workbook to pdfNew Feature
CELLSNET-44977Keep the missing data when refreshing and calculating the Pivot TableNew Feature
CELLSNET-54636Support calculating discrete grouping of pivot tableNew Feature
CELLSNET-54733Support Exporting generic listNew Feature
CELLSNET-54725Auto clear data validation setting in paste area in GridWebEnhancement
CELLSNET-54645The sheet names in the output html are too small in mobile deviceEnhancement
CELLSNET-52757Merge record when nested list is availableEnhancement
CELLSNET-54430Remove group setting of pivot field if the refreshed field is not date or numberic fieldEnhancement
CELLSNET-54674Cross reference using linked tables with smart markersEnhancement
CELLSNET-54622File gets corrupted and charts are not rendered precisely when re-saving an XLS fileBug
CELLSNET-54705Lambda functions not working properlyBug
CELLSNET-54720Workbook.CalculateFormula hangs indefinitely on latest versionBug
CELLSNET-51462Headers and footers are not brought into the rendered Word documentBug
CELLSNET-54427Baseline mismatch in Japanese and English mixed textBug
CELLSNET-54734Some differences and minor gridlines on the plot area not identical to the original chart in MS ExcelBug
CELLSNET-54202Support automatic differentiation of column data types when exporting data to DataTableBug
CELLSNET-54679Shape with rotation does not render in correct postion for GridDesktopBug
CELLSNET-54721FormulaBar shows error message on every key press when enter formulaBug
CELLSNET-54737Formula bar value does not show the focused cell value after worksheet switchedBug
CELLSNET-51996Cross-platform(Skia Sharp): EMF image renders with extra white backgroundBug
CELLSNET-54445Page breaks are broken when converting an Excel file with several pages to XPSBug
CELLSNET-54719Incorrect result during rendering XLSMBug
CELLSNET-54629Display cell values as # symbols when converting file to HTMLBug
CELLSNET-54635Incorrect Downward orientation display in merged cells when converting to htmlBug
CELLSNET-44928Formulas based on pivot data show #REF while rendering spreadsheet to PDFBug
CELLSNET-44936Values based on GETPIVOTDATA have been misplaced after refreshing the Pivot Table and rendered to PDFBug
CELLSNET-44949Blank columns are missing while rendering spreadsheet to PDF after refreshing Pivot TableBug
CELLSNET-44951Row data is misplaced while rendering spreadsheet to PDF after refreshing Pivot TableBug
CELLSNET-45309Indentation changed and some text is bold in Excel to PDF renderingBug
CELLSNET-54628Punctuation not prohibited at the beginning of a lineBug
CELLSNET-54646Unable to open an XLS Excel file of 97-2003 versionBug
CELLSNET-54742Borders and formatting issues in Excel spreadsheet to PPTXBug
CELLSNET-54753Saving Excel file as PowerPoint is not respecting hidden rowsBug
CELLSNET-54447Some cells became empty when converting numbers to XLSXBug
CELLSNET-54717Converting numbers file to XLSX format returns no data in the output fileBug
CELLSNET-54680Index out of bounds error when calling RefreshDynamicArrayFormulas methodException
CELLSNET-54728FormatException when trying to save ODS to HTMLException
CELLSNET-54708Regression: CopyColumns() raises IOExceptionException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds PdfCompliance.Pdf2b, Pdf2u, Pdf2a, Pdf3b, Pdf3u, Pdf3a enum

Supports to render to Pdf format compatible with PDF/A-2b,2u,2a(ISO 19005-2) and PDF/A-3b,3u,3a(ISO 19005-2).

Obsoletes Axis.AxisLabels property and adds Axis.GetAxisTexts() method

Please use Axis.GetAxisTexts() method instead.

Obsoletes Cells.MergedCells property and adds Cells.GetMergedAreas() method

Use Cells.GetMergedAreas() method instead.

Obsoletes Comment.GetCharacters() method and adds Comment.GetRichFormattings() method

Use Comment.GetRichFormattings() method instead.

Obsoletes Shape.GetCharacters() method and adds Shape.GetRichFormattings() method

Use Shape.GetRichFormattings() method instead.

Obsoletes PivotField.GetPivotFilters() method and adds PivotField.GetFilters() method

Use PivotField.GetFilters() method instead.

Obsoletes Range.Union() method and adds Range.UnionRange() method

Use Range.UnionRange() method instead.

Adds WorkbookDesigner.SetJsonDataSource() method

Sets json string as data source of smart markers.

Adds Cells.ExportList() method.

Exports the Excel file to generic list.

Adds Style.IsNumberFormatApplied property

Indicates whether number format is applied.

Adds Style.IsFontApplied property

Indicates whether font format is applied.

Adds Style.IsAlignmentApplied property

Indicates whether alignment format is applied.

Adds Style.IsBorderApplied property

Indicates whether border format is applied.

Adds Style.IsFillApplied property

Indicates whether fill format is applied.

Adds Style.IsProtectionApplied property

Indicates whether protection format is applied.

Adds PptxSaveOptions.IgnoreHiddenRows property

Indicates whether ignore hidden rows when converting Excel to PowerPoint

Adds PptxSaveOptions.AdjustFontSizeForRowType property

Represents what type of line needs to be adjusted size of font if height of row is small.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.IsJsBrowserCompatible property

Indicates whether JavaScript is compatible with browsers that do not support JavaScript.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.IsMobileCompatible property

Indicates whether the output HTML is compatible with mobile devices.

Adds GridExportTableOptions/GridImportTableOptions classes

Represents the options of exporting cells data to datatable /importing datatable into cells data in GridDesktop.

Adds GridShapeDraw class

Represents the base class of Shape and Picture in GridDesktop.

Adds GridDesktop.ShowFormulaWarning property

Sets/Gets whether to show the error or waring message for set cell formula value,the default value is true in GridDesktop.
