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Aspose.Cells for .NET 24.7 Release Notes

CELLSNET-56042Support DROP functionNew Feature
CELLSNET-55606Support outline of the star characters in chartNew Feature
CELLSGRIDJS-1162Implement json generation using stream writer wayNew Feature
CELLSNET-55976Support DateOnly when calling ImportCustomObjects methodNew Feature
CELLSNET-56022Support making an object as decorative in xlsxNew Feature
CELLSNET-56089Improve the performance of calculating LET function with complex parametersEnhancement
CELLSNET-56090Improve the performance of calculating MAKEARRAY functionEnhancement
CELLSNET-55895Supporting swapping seriesEnhancement
CELLSNET-55909Change ArgumentException to CellsExceptionEnhancement
CELLSNET-55911Rename methods of ChartDataTableEnhancement
CELLSNET-56119Add “ApplyFont” in series datalabelsEnhancement
CELLSNET-56175Further optimize the display of the TreeMap ChartEnhancement
CELLSNET-56118Support to try to load local Office cloud font by defaultEnhancement
CELLSNET-56062Support placing the picture which is overed cell in cellEnhancement
CELLSNET-56086Add overload PivotTable.CalculateData() methodEnhancement
CELLSGRIDJS-1158Support to auto set height after setting wrap for cellEnhancement
CELLSNET-55979Fix the text box height when the Japanese text has a line breakBug
CELLSNET-56034Excel to PDF conversion - shapes rendered with missing textBug
CELLSNET-56068Shape text (image caption) cut off in the output PDF and HTMLBug
CELLSNET-56104TextParagraph.IsHangingPunctuation Attribute does not work when converting files to PDFBug
CELLSNET-56157Dashed lines were appearing as solid lines in the generated pdfBug
CELLSNET-55679Calculated cell with RATE-function is #VALUE! after CalculateFormula()Bug
CELLSNET-55980Shared formulas are ignored in custom calculation engineBug
CELLSNET-55998Complex array function formula not working when calling CalculateFormula methodBug
CELLSNET-55999Complex array function formula returns #VALUE when calling CalculateFormula methodBug
CELLSNET-56014Out of memory error was caused when refreshing dynamic array formulasBug
CELLSNET-56016ROWS/COLUMNS functions give different values from what ms excel producesBug
CELLSNET-56056Incorrect spill range and calculated results for function chain UNIQUE(SORT(FILTER(…)))Bug
CELLSNET-55965Chart to Image - The x axis on the image does not match with Excel sheet chartBug
CELLSNET-56057Chart data loss when converting file to imageBug
CELLSGRIDJS-1106GridJs raise out of memory exception for the file from customerBug
CELLSNET-55983HtmlSaveOptions.AddTooltipText does not work on format dataBug
CELLSNET-56036Excel table created based on HTML does not look the sameBug
CELLSNET-56079XLSX to HTML: Right to left format and borders not rendered correctlyBug
CELLSNET-55304Olap slicer cache corrupted when converting from xlsb to xlsx.Bug
CELLSNET-55839Aspose.Cells corrupts XLS file when we try to add long hyperlinksBug
CELLSNET-55973Extra space between thickBot and equal characters in XML tagBug
CELLSNET-56008The Range is hidden when calling Cells.InsertCutCells methodBug
CELLSNET-56009The result file contains extra data after resetting the hyperlink addressBug
CELLSNET-56012Invalid column index when adding SparklineBug
CELLSNET-56015InsertCutCells is causing unexpected conditional formatting changesBug
CELLSNET-56048Expanding a table with placed empty merged cells under the table corrupted resultant fileBug
CELLSNET-56063Support keeping properties of Image EffectBug
CELLSNET-56074Replacing text with FontSettings not workingBug
CELLSNET-56076Error on conditional formatting when converting XLS file to XLSX fileBug
CELLSNET-56099Workbook.Save very slow with rich text formattingBug
CELLSNET-56102The result file is corrupt when copying sheets with slicersBug
CELLSNET-56116ExportDataTable does not use current culture for double to string conversionBug
CELLSNET-56124Export to/from JSON - JSON structure corruptedBug
CELLSNET-56088Fix tile order issue when converting Numbers to XLSXBug
CELLSNET-56095Fix chart series reference cells from an external sheetBug
CELLSNET-56029PivotTable.RefreshData crashes: “Formula is empty…”Exception
CELLSNET-56098Excel to PDFA-1B conversion - CellsException “Length cannot be less than zero”Bug
CELLSNET-56055IndexOutOfRangeException was thrown when calculating SORT functionException
CELLSNET-56140System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException when rendering chart to imageException
CELLSNET-55517Loading controls2.xlsx in GridWeb raised exceptionException
CELLSNET-56110Exception “This Excel files contains (Excel95 or earlier file format) records” when opening an older Excel XLS fileException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Changes the behavior of Cells.ExportDataTable() methods

In old versions, when one cell’s value is numeric and needs to be exported as string, we output it as raw literal of its value without formatting(so it is locale-independent).

Since 24.7, such kind of value will be exported as formatted string which is locale-dependent by default.

To get the raw value, please use ExportTableOptions with CellValueFormatStrategy.None to export data. For example, with old version the exporting code:

            cells.ExportDataTable(0, 0, 10, 3);

with the new versions please change it to:

            ExportTableOptions opts = new ExportTableOptions();
            opts.FormatStrategy = CellValueFormatStrategy.None;
            cells.ExportDataTable(0, 0, 10, 3, opts);

Adds AbstractCalculationEngine.ForceRecalculate(string functionName) method

Forces the custom function be recalculated always when calculating shared formulas, even if its parameters do not change for different cells of the same shared formula. By default this method returns false.

Adds Picture.PlaceInCell() method

Place picture which is over cell in cell.

Adds Shape.IsDecorative property

Indicates whether the shape is decorative.

Adds JsonLoadOptions.KeptSchema property

Inicates whether keeping JSON shcema when loading JSON file.

Adds PivotTableCalculateOption class

Rerepsents the options of calcuating the pivot table.

Adds PivotTable.CalculateData(Pivot.PivotTableCalculateOption) method

Calcuating pivot table with options.

Adds SlicerCacheItemSortType.Natural enum

No sorting.

Adds SaveFormat.Azw3 enum

Represents Azw3 file.

Adds EbookSaveOptions(SaveFormat saveFormat) constructor

Creates options for saving ebook file with SaveFormat.Epub or SaveFormat.Azw3.

Obsolete AxisBins.ResetOverflow() and AxisBins.ResetUnderflow() method

This is an internal method that does not need to be called externally to avoid causing problems.

Obsolete properties of ChartDataTable: HasBorderHorizontal, HasBorderVertical and HasBorderOutline

Please use properties HasHorizontalBorder, HasVerticalBorder and HasOutlineBorder instead.

Adds ChartDataTable.HasHorizontalBorder property

True if the chart data table has horizontal cell borders.

Adds ChartDataTable.HasVerticalBorder property

True if the chart data table has vertical cell borders.

Adds ChartDataTable.HasOutlineBorder property

True if the chart data table has outline borders.

Obsolete ChartPoint.InnerRadiusPx property

Please use ChartPoint.DoughnutInnerRadius property instead.

Adds ChartPoint.DoughnutInnerRadius property

Gets the inner radius of doughnut slice in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method. Applies to Doughnut chart.

Adds DataLabels.ApplyFont() method

Apply the font of the datalabels to all child nodes.

Adds Series.XValuesFormatCode property

Represents format code of X Values’s NumberList.

Obsolete SeriesCollection.ChangeSeriesOrder(Int32,Int32) method

Please use SeriesCollection.SwapSeries(Int32,Int32) method instead.

Adds SeriesCollection.SwapSeries(Int32,Int32) method

Directly changes the orders of the two series.

Adds SparklineGroupCollection.Add(Charts.SparklineType) method

Adds a SparklineGroup with a Sparkline to the collection.

Removes obsolete ChartDataTable.Background property

Please use ChartDataTable.BackgroundMode property instead.

Adds Cells.GetCellsWithPlaceInCellPicture() method.

Gets all cells that contain embedded picture.

Adds ConversionUtility class.

Represents utility to convert files to other formats.

Adds Cell.PutValue(DateOnly) and Cell.PutValue(TimeOnly) methods.

Enters DateOnly and TimeOnly values to the cell. Only applies to since NET 6.

Adds GridJsWorkbook.JsonToStream(Stream stream, string filename) .

Write JSON of the file to the stream.

Adds GridJsWorkbook.JsonToStreamByUid(Stream stream, string uid, string filename).

Write JSON of the file from the cache by the specified unique id to the stream.