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Aspose.Cells for .NET 24.9 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSNET-56300 | Supports reading, storing and rendering of limit equations and equation groups | New Feature |
CELLSNET-56319 | Supports exporting equation content to MathML format | New Feature |
CELLSGRIDJS-1250 | Support for syntax checking and spell correction for user input in GridJs | New Feature |
CELLSGRIDJS-1268 | Support show formula explanation in GridJs | New Feature |
CELLSGRIDJS-1271 | Support show formulas in GridJs | New Feature |
CELLSNET-56364 | Support to choose whether equations should be output as images or MathML strings | New Feature |
CELLSNET-56593 | Support to export cell address as attribute when saving HTML | New Feature |
CELLSNET-43395 | Support to translate “Sum of” column in PivotTable report | New Feature |
CELLSNET-56419 | Support getting formula of pivot calcuated item | New Feature |
CELLSNET-56420 | Support getting formula of pivot calcuated field in .xlsb file | New Feature |
CELLSNET-56431 | Support parsing feature property bags of xlsx | New Feature |
CELLSNET-56466 | Support creating CheckBoxes for range | New Feature |
CELLSGRIDJS-1176 | Support using formulas as parameters for setting verification. | New Feature |
CELLSNET-56213 | Support to extract math equation to LaTeX format | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-56594 | Optimize image resource release while converting to pdf | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-56595 | Optimize image data handing while converting to pdf | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-56445 | Conversion of checkboxes to # signs when convert to html | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-56398 | Improve performance of calculating grouped pivot field | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-56451 | Support detecting OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) format | Enhancement |
CELLSGRIDJS-1249 | Optimize the calculation method for the title display coordinates in the chart. | Enhancement |
CELLSGRIDJS-1243 | Support show time control in mobile when cell format number type is time | Enhancement |
CELLSGRIDJS-1256 | Optimize the style of validation editing and validation failure prompts on mobile devices. | Enhancement |
CELLSGRIDJS-1232 | Optimize the display of date selection interface in multilingual conditions. | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-54570 | Part of shape’s text got lost when saving to pdf | Bug |
CELLSNET-56064 | Issue with printing comments in Excel to PDF conversion | Bug |
CELLSNET-56180 | Extracting Math equations to image not working | Bug |
CELLSNET-56504 | CheckBoxActiveXControl is lost when converting file to pdf | Bug |
CELLSNET-56549 | Limit equations do not render as expected when rendering to PDF | Bug |
CELLSNET-55981 | Dynamic images do not refresh properly if we remove a worksheet | Bug |
CELLSNET-56490 | The result file crashes when loading template file with AbstractInterruptMonitor and then re-save it | Bug |
CELLSNET-56588 | Conditional Formatting with Spill formula does not execute properly | Bug |
CELLSNET-56624 | Chaning range name not working for XLSB | Bug |
CELLSNET-56587 | Getting stuck on workbook.CalculateFormula() | Bug |
CELLSNET-45020 | Chart axis are rotated when chart is rendered to image | Bug |
CELLSNET-46588 | Discrepancies in output PDF while converting from XLSX | Bug |
CELLSNET-46937 | Drawing shapes not rendered fine in HTML | Bug |
CELLSNET-56511 | Some of the text in the chart, font rendering is not the same as Excel | Bug |
CELLSNET-56596 | Excel to PDF conversion distorts some charts/diagrams | Bug |
CELLSNET-56645 | Excel Charts are scaled when converted to EMF images | Bug |
CELLSNET-56430 | Conversion of checkboxes to # signs when convert to pdf | Bug |
CELLSNET-56627 | Diagonal border display error when saving file to pdf | Bug |
CELLSNET-56629 | Missing images when converting particular Xlsx to Pdf | Bug |
CELLSNET-56447 | Wrong decimal separator in CSS properties for German locale/region when saving HTML | Bug |
CELLSNET-45681 | Corrupted xlsb file when converting xlsx file to xlsb | Bug |
CELLSNET-52854 | pivot item hidden not work as expect | Bug |
CELLSNET-56241 | Single node is exported as attributes when exporting file to JSON | Bug |
CELLSNET-56416 | Output Excel file is corrupted | Bug |
CELLSNET-56422 | Saved xlsx is corrupted file with uncacluated pivot table | Bug |
CELLSNET-56433 | Ungrouping PivotField should keep original field | Bug |
CELLSNET-56458 | Category and ContentStatus properties in created XLS have incorrect values | Bug |
CELLSNET-56491 | File labels metadata not preserved after saving XLSX file | Bug |
CELLSNET-56525 | Invalid Link Path (Long Path) | Bug |
CELLSNET-56534 | Slicer/Pivot cache is being reverted despite having been changed in Excel file | Bug |
CELLSNET-56535 | All Slicer items are selected after calling RefreshAll() method | Bug |
CELLSNET-56540 | Display custom caption of pivot item as slicer item | Bug |
CELLSNET-56557 | Value auto fill error when setting AutoFillType.Series | Bug |
CELLSNET-56568 | The backgroud color is not same as MS Excel | Bug |
CELLSNET-56616 | The text format in the graph legend is different after re-saving the file | Bug |
CELLSNET-56681 | Conditional formatting breaks when combining workbooks | Bug |
CELLSNET-56537 | Issue with spaces in formula strings during Numbers 9 to XLSX conversion | Bug |
CELLSGRIDJS-1246 | Fix the issue where some charts cannot be displayed due to SkipInvisibleShapes. | Bug |
CELLSGRIDJS-1247 | Fix the issue of being unable to move the chart after switching sheets. | Bug |
CELLSNET-56578 | NullReferenceException regression bug | Exception |
CELLSNET-56575 | Export XLSX to Html - Getting an exception after refreshing pivot tables | Exception |
CELLSNET-56652 | Exception “Index was outside the bounds of the array” when loading an ODS file | Exception |
CELLSNET-56502 | Converting numbers to xlsx throws an ‘index is out of range’ exception | Exception |
CELLSNET-56536 | Exception when converting null to double during Numbers 9 to XLSX conversion. | Exception |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds property Cell.IsCheckBoxStyle.
Indicates whether to set this cell as a check box.
Obsolete old names for members of enum EquationNodeType and rename them to shorter ones
Use new and shorter names defined for EquationNodeType.
Adds PrintCommentsType.PrintWithThreadedComments enum
Represents printing comments as displayed on sheet include threaded comments.
Adds LimLowUppEquationNode class
Specifies the limit function.
Adds ArrayEquationNode class
Specifies the Equation-Array function, an object consisting of one or more equations.
Adds HtmlOfficeMathOutputType enum and HtmlSaveOptions.OfficeMathOutputMode property
Indicates how to export OfficeMath objects to HTML.
HtmlSaveOptions.CellNameAttribute property
Specifies the attribute of TD element that indicates the CellName to be written.
Adds PivotField.GetFormula() method and obsoletes PivotField.GetCalculatedFieldFormula() method
Uses PivotField.GetFormula() method instead.
Adds PivotItem.GetFormula() method.
Gets the formula of the pivot calculated item.
Adds PivotItem.Name property.
Gets and sets the caption of the pivot item.
Adds PivotTable.ShowDetail() method.
Shows the detail of a pivot item in the data region to a new Table.
Adds XlsSaveOptions.WpsCompatibility property.
Indicates whether to make the xls more compatible with WPS.
Adds FileFormatType.Ole enum.
Represents the Ole file.