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Aspose.Cells for Node.js via Java 23.12 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSJAVA-45737 | Support MAKEARRAY function | New Feature |
CELLSJAVA-45705 | Support json as data source of smart marker | New Feature |
CELLSJAVA-45750 | Retrieve “Style Includes” information | New Feature |
CELLSJAVA-45759 | Improve the performance of calculating shared formulas recursively | Enhancement |
CELLSJAVA-45679 | Different behavior of XLSX and XLSB files for MaxRow and MaxColumn attributes when using in LightCells APIs | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45707 | VLOOKUP function calculation gets an error value | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45710 | Incorrect value obtained after IRR function calculation | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45713 | Endless loop with “CalculateFormula” method | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45721 | NumberValue formula not working | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45725 | Error in file data saved after calling formula calculation | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45608 | XLSX to PNG: Charts text wrap and Y axis | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45627 | Excessive memory consumption when converting file to PDF | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45703 | Chart title missing when converting file to pdf | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45724 | Issue with the display of the circular chart legend after XLSX is converted to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45752 | Data labels (percentages) are incorrect in the generated HTML for 3-D Pie chart | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45700 | Excel to PDF conversion - Some text is blocked by the picture | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45706 | Sparkline overlaps cell text while converting to Svg | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45731 | Text is truncated when converting the file to PDF | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45733 | File pagination error when converting file to PDF | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45741 | Emf image is lost while converting workbook to pdf | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45274 | Some texts are not visible when converting to html | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45686 | Aspose.Cells 23.10: Changing hidden cells visibility does not work | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45687 | Images getting shrunk when converting HTML to Excel workbook | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45701 | Fonts are getting changed for the data in cells for excel where hyperlinks are present | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45704 | Extra whitespace was generated between charts when converting the file to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45709 | Some digits show dislocation when saving file to html | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45714 | Text position error when converting file to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45739 | The picture lost after converting XLSX to to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-43383 | GETPIVOTDATA is not working when using field grouping | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45685 | Regression: Getting incorrect value in file explorer Preview Mode for Pivot | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45708 | Smart markers can’t get correct layout when setting line by line replacement to false | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45719 | Regression: filters are not getting refreshed | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45720 | After pivotTable.refreshData the file is corrupted | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45734 | calculateData throws java.lang.NullPointerException | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45743 | Partial data becomes garbled after converted from xls to xlsx | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-45728 | Waterfall chart X-Axis labels are cut off when chart width is decreased | Bug |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds PdfCompliance.Pdf2b, Pdf2u, Pdf2a, Pdf3b, Pdf3u, Pdf3a enum
Supports to render to Pdf format compatible with PDF/A-2b,2u,2a(ISO 19005-2) and PDF/A-3b,3u,3a(ISO 19005-2).
Obsoletes Axis.AxisLabels property and adds Axis.GetAxisTexts() method
Please use Axis.GetAxisTexts() method instead.
Obsoletes Cells.MergedCells property and adds Cells.GetMergedAreas() method
Use Cells.GetMergedAreas() method instead.
Obsoletes Comment.GetCharacters() method and adds Comment.GetRichFormattings() method
Use Comment.GetRichFormattings() method instead.
Obsoletes Shape.GetCharacters() method and adds Shape.GetRichFormattings() method
Use Shape.GetRichFormattings() method instead.
Obsoletes PivotField.GetPivotFilters() method and adds PivotField.GetFilters() method
Use PivotField.GetFilters() method instead.
Obsoletes Range.Union() method and adds Range.UnionRange() method
Use Range.UnionRange() method instead.
Adds WorkbookDesigner.SetJsonDataSource() method
Sets json string as data source of smart markers.
Adds Style.IsNumberFormatApplied property
Indicates whether number format is applied.
Adds Style.IsFontApplied property
Indicates whether font format is applied.
Adds Style.IsAlignmentApplied property
Indicates whether alignment format is applied.
Adds Style.IsBorderApplied property
Indicates whether border format is applied.
Adds Style.IsFillApplied property
Indicates whether fill format is applied.
Adds Style.IsProtectionApplied property
Indicates whether protection format is applied.
Adds PptxSaveOptions.IgnoreHiddenRows property
Indicates whether ignore hidden rows when converting Excel to PowerPoint
Adds PptxSaveOptions.AdjustFontSizeForRowType property
Represents what type of line needs to be adjusted size of font if height of row is small.
Adds HtmlSaveOptions.IsJsBrowserCompatible property
Indicates whether JavaScript is compatible with browsers that do not support JavaScript.
Adds HtmlSaveOptions.IsMobileCompatible property
Indicates whether the output HTML is compatible with mobile devices.