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Aspose.Cells for PHP via Java 24.1 Release Notes

CELLSJAVA-45758Support hightlighted sheet tabs in the output html for mobile devicesNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-45705Support json as data source of smart markerNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-45755Show the first item of datetime group pivot fileld if the field contains blank itemEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-45742Text inside shapes is not displayed when converting Excel worksheet to imagesBug
CELLSJAVA-45756Invalid text color inside the shape/textbox when saving an Excel file to HTMLBug
CELLSJAVA-45748CalculateFormula() does not calculate formula correctlyBug
CELLSJAVA-45777Generated xls file was corrupted when there is linked source for Chart’s DisplayUnitLabelBug
CELLSJAVA-45780Different incorrect results obtained after calling multiple formula calculationBug
CELLSJAVA-43795Histogram chart is not rendered properly in XLSX to HTML conversionBug
CELLSJAVA-45784Data labels through conditions are not effective when converting file to htmlBug
CELLSJAVA-45794Fail to edit cell value in the new created sheet in GridWeb javaBug
CELLSJAVA-45779The scaling is different between Aspose.Cells generated pdf and Excel generated pdfBug
CELLSJAVA-45771Extra columns in exported HTML output when Excel named range contains iconsBug
CELLSJAVA-45708Smart markers can’t get correct layout when setting line by line replacement to falseBug
CELLSJAVA-45772An Exception should be thrown when a pivot field group by quartersBug
CELLSJAVA-45786Invalid encoding occurs when loading sample fileBug
CELLSJAVA-45790Preview mode showing different valueBug
CELLSJAVA-45793NullPointerException occurs when converting file to htmlException
CELLSJAVA-45792ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs when loading the sample fileException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds TxtLoadOptions.MaxRowCount/MaxColumnCount properties

Supports to import data from csv with user specified limit of rows and columns. If the data set is larger than the limit, it will be split into multiple worksheets according to the limit.

Adds TxtLoadOptions.HeaderRowsCount/HeaderColumnsCount properties

Supports to import data from csv with user specified header rows and headers to duplicated them for every extended worksheets.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.CssStyles property

Gets or sets the additional css styles for the formatter.

Adds PivotField.GroupBy(double,bool) methods

Group the number or datetime pivot field.

Adds PptxSaveOptions.ExportViewType and enum SlideViewType

Indicates whether converting Excel to PowerPoint as View or Printing.