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Aspose.Cells for PHP via Java 24.4 Release Notes

CELLSJAVA-45821Support inserting in Cell picutre into ExcelNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-45881Support getting original column widthNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-45903Issue with copying images and shapes from one Excel file to anotherBug
CELLSJAVA-45906Full width characters not converted to half width characters when converting files to PDFBug
CELLSJAVA-45870Dotted lines in chart became solid lines when chart saved as EMF imageBug
CELLSJAVA-45874Row height error when converting file to htmlBug
CELLSJAVA-45892Rotated text rendering error when converting files to HTMLBug
CELLSJAVA-45897Cell data position error when converting file to HTMLBug
CELLSJAVA-45899Text cross column failure when converting file to HTMLBug
CELLSJAVA-45902new Workbook() on HTML stream very slowBug
CELLSJAVA-45864Pivot table Filter Selection and Formula Field Removal Issues in PNL_AFS and PNL-IslamicBug
CELLSJAVA-45879Regression: Refreshing the pivot table renders the chart incorrectlyBug
CELLSJAVA-45895The validation is not overwritten when copying a rangeBug
CELLSJAVA-45905Text size and shadow issues for shapes when re-saving an Excel 95 XLS file formatBug
CELLSJAVA-45912XLSB File Corruption During Pivot RefreshBug
CELLSJAVA-45915Data loss and only evaluation page left when converting files to HTMLBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds classes SystemTimeInterruptMonitor and ThreadInterruptMonitor.

Provides two simple implementations of AbstractInterruptMonitor for user’s convenience to monitor and interrupt time-consumed procedures.

Adds class DeleteBlankOptions.

Provides options to define how to check blank cells for deleting blank rows and columns.

Removes obsolete property Worksheet.SparklineGroupCollection.

Please use Worksheet.SparklineGroups property instead.

Removes obsolete method Worksheet.SetBackground(byte[]).

Please use Worksheet.BackgroundImage property instead.

Adds HtmlTableLoadOption.TableToListObject and HtmlTableLoadOptionCollection.TableToListObject properties.

Indicates whether generate list objects from imported tables.

Adds HtmlTableLoadOptionCollection.Add(…) method.

Add a HtmlTableLoadOption to the list.

Obsolete HtmlTableLoadOption.Name property

Please use HtmlTableLoadOption.Id property instead.

Adds HtmlSaveOptions.HideOverflowWrappedText property.

Indicates whether to hide overflow text when the cell format is set to wrap text.

Adds PdfSaveOptions.EmbedAttachments property.

Indicates whether embedding Ole objects as attachments when converting Excel to pdf

Adds Cells.GetColumnOriginalWidthPoint() method.

Gets the original width of the hidden column.

Adds ExternalLink.PathType property.

Gets the relationship type of the external link.

Adds enum FileFormatType.WebP

Supports detecting the WebP image.

Adds PivotTable.RefreshData(PivotTableRefreshOption) method.

Customize the options of refreshing pivot table.

Adds Worksheet.RefreshData(PivotTableRefreshOption) method.

Customize the options of refreshing pivot tables in the worksheet.

Adds WorksheetCollection.RefreshData(PivotTableRefreshOption) method.

Customize the options of refreshing pivot tables in the workbook.

Adds GridWorkbookSettings.PreservePaddingSpaces property in GridWeb.

Gets or sets whether preserve those spaces and line breaks that are padded between formula tokens while getting and setting formulas. Default value is false.