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Aspose.Cells for Python via Java 23.1 Release Notes

CELLSJAVA-44172Support interruption while calculating formulas for one cellNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-45029Support the sheet zoom, freeze panes when exporting and importing htmlNew Feature
CELLSJAVA-45034How to code/utilize Row 1 Filter Flag OptionEnhancement
CELLSJAVA-45003XLS to HTML: Rectangle shape is distortedBug
CELLSJAVA-45004XLS to HTML: Image clipped and moved out of placeBug
CELLSJAVA-44364Difference in values between an Excel file and the converted PDF (via Aspose.Cells) fileBug
CELLSJAVA-45026Double quotes " from XLSX file not shown in converted PDF fileBug
CELLSJAVA-45035DATEDIF function doesn’t work correctly with leap yearsBug
CELLSJAVA-45008Chart legend items cut off in the output imageBug
CELLSJAVA-45036Regression: Chart resized incorrectlyBug
CELLSJAVA-45017can not switch worksheet in java demo project for the file with passwordBug
CELLSJAVA-44942Colors lost when exporting a Chart to EMFBug
CELLSJAVA-45005Font with font full name is not picked while converting to pdfBug
CELLSJAVA-45033Worksheet to Emf image is not right after setting resolution optionBug
CELLSJAVA-44971Images cannot display when loading html streamBug
CELLSJAVA-45020HTML to EXCEL: Styles changedBug
CELLSJAVA-45021“com.aspose.cells.CellsException: Invalid sheet reference for the defined Name” when rendering an Excel file to PDFException
CELLSJAVA-45025ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on workbook saveException

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.

Adds PivotGlobalizationSettings class.

The class manages all globalization settings about pivot table.

Removes GlobalizationSettings.GetOtherName() method.

This method has not been referenced any more, it takes no effect even user implements it in GlobalizationSettings. So we remove it now. User should use ChartGlobalizationSettings.GetOtherName() method instead.

Removes GlobalizationSettings.GetColumnLablesName()/GetRowLablesName() methods.

Please use PivotGlobalizationSettings.GetTextOfColumnLabels()/GetTextOfRowLabels().

Obsoletes all methods about pivot table in GlobalizationSettings.

Please use corresponding methods in PivotGlobalizationSettings.

Adds SetStyle() method for Row and Column class.

Supports to set custom style for the whole Row/Column. For setting custom style, the difference between SetStyle() and ApplyStyle() is that SetStyle() does not change the style settings for existing cells.

Adds HasCustomStyle property for Cell, Row and Column classes.

Indicates whether the cell, row or column has been set with custom style settings(different from the default one it inherits).

Adds JsonSaveOptions.AlwaysExportAsJsonObject property.

Indicates whether always export Excel files as Json object even if there is only one worksheet.

Adds RevisionHeader class and RevisionLog.MetadataTable property.

Supports getting and setting properties of revision log.

Adds Style.GetTwoColorGradientSetting() method and obsoletes Style.GetTwoColorGradient() method.

Use Style.GetTwoColorGradientSetting() method instead.

Obsoletes JsonUtility.ExportRangeToJson(Range,ExportRangeToJsonOptions) and adds JsonUtility.ExportRangeToJson(Range, JsonSaveOptions)

Use ExportRangeToJson(Range, JsonSaveOptions) method instead.

Adds Charts.Axis.CustomUnit property.

Specifies a custom value for the display unit.

Obsoletes Charts.Axis.CustUnit property.

Please use Charts.Axis.CustomUnit instead.

Adds Charts.Chart.PlotVisibleCellsOnly property.

Indicates whether plot visible cells only.

Obsoletes Charts.Chart.PlotVisibleCells property.

Please use Charts.Chart.PlotVisibleCellsOnly instead.

Removes ShapeFormat.FillFormat property.

Please use ShapeFormat.Fill property instead.

Removes ShapeFormat.Outline property.

Please use ShapeFormat.Line property instead.
