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Aspose.Cells for Python via Java 24.8 Release Notes
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSJAVA-46050 | Incomplete display of a certain line of text when saving file to pdf | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-46059 | Copying a Workbook does not copy settings | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-46055 | Cell.setHtmlString not rendering image from URL | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-46063 | Result file data display error when converting file to HTML | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-40158 | Currency symbols were lost when saving ODS file | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-41970 | Cannot insert a new column with desired style besides a Pivot Table | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-46056 | SetSkipBlanks(true) does not skip blank source cells when pasting | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-46058 | Changing the color of a few words in the chart shape will result in extra strings appearing | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-46061 | Row labels and column labels are not converted while converting excel pivot table to pdf | Bug |
CELLSJAVA-46065 | Loading XLS file throws Out of Memory exception | Exception |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Cells for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Cells support forum.
Adds enum MergedCellsShrinkType.
Represents the strategy to shrink merged cells for operations such as deleting blank rows/column.
Adds property DeleteBlankOptions.MergedCellsShrinkType
Indicates how to process merged cells when deleting blank rows/columns.
Adds EquationNodeType.LowerLimit enum.
Specifies the Lower Limit function.
Adds EquationNodeType.UpperLimit enum.
Specifies the Upper Limit function.
Adds EquationNodeType.Limit enum.
Represents a sub-object of Lower-Limit function or Upper-Limit function.
Adds EquationNode.ToLaTeX() method.
Convert this equtation to LaTeX expression.
Adds EquationNode.ToMathML() method.
Convert this equtation to MathML expression.
Adds SortOrder.Natural enum.
Keeps original data order without sorting. Only applies to some special scenarios such as PivotTable.
Adds SaveOptions.EncryptDocumentProperties property.
Indicates whether encrypting the document properties if the file is encrtypted.
Adds two PivotField.SortBy() methods.
Sorts the field by specific settings.
Adds PivotField.SortSetting property.
Gets all setting about sorting pivot field.
Adds SlicerCollection.Clear() method.
Clears all slicers.
Adds PivotTable.SourceType property.
Gets the data source type of pivot table.
Obsoletes PivotItemCollection.ChangeitemsOrder() method and adds PivotItemCollection.SwapItem() method.
Uses PivotItemCollection.SwapItem() method instead.
Adds HtmlSaveOptions.EncodeEntityAsCode property.
Indicates whether the html character entities are replaced with decimal code.(e.g. “
” is replaced with “ 
Adds JsonSaveOptions.Schemas property.
Indicates the original json schema of each worksheet for converting Excel to json.
Adds Config.SkipInvisibleShapes property for GridJs.
Indicates whether to skip shapes that are invisble to UI ,the default value is true.