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Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET 23.6 Release Notes

CELLSNET-53303Support to traverse Row/Cell in RowCollection/Row in reversed orderNew Feature
CELLSNET-53398Support refreshing multiple consolidation ranges of pivottableNew Feature
CELLSNET-53333Row with no data should be taken as blank and removed by Cells.DeleteBlankRows() even if there is merged cells intersect with itEnhancement
CELLSNET-53316Chart does not get updated when writing new lines to a listobject with Aspose.CellsEnhancement
CELLSNET-53358Support extending rows when setting formula to totals row in the tableEnhancement
CELLSNET-53359Detect Gzip FileformatEnhancement
CELLSNET-48192Arrow Shapes placed incorrectly after conversion to HTMLBug
CELLSNET-48193Arrow Shapes placed incorrectly after conversion to PDFBug
CELLSNET-53291Text is upside down in some shapes - Excel to PDF conversionBug
CELLSNET-53459Letters in the shapes become upside down in Excel to PDF conversionBug
CELLSNET-53470RadioButtons are not displayed correctly in PDF and HTMLBug
CELLSNET-53304Tildes in a CONCATENATE function are turned into commasBug
CELLSNET-53372Conditional formatting rule “not between” works differently than ExcelBug
CELLSNET-53403Comments are deleted when deleting blank rowsBug
CELLSNET-53463Generated xlsx file with volatile dependencies is not fully compatible with Open Xml SDKBug
CELLSNET-53482Time part “08:00” in ms excel was formatted as “8:00” by Aspose.CellsBug
CELLSNET-53368Last row is cut off while converting workbook to PDF with OnePagePerSheet set to trueBug
CELLSNET-53381XmlMap references not shifting when rows are importedBug
CELLSNET-53382Xml Import does not preserve column widthsBug
CELLSNET-53402Excel Tiff generation takes too much timeBug
CELLSNET-53443PDF conversion is making a few extra empty pagesBug
CELLSNET-53363The header and formats are not aligned properly when importing html to excelBug
CELLSNET-53413Saving HTML has visual issues with tablesBug
CELLSNET-53284File crash when adding data to the total row of the tableBug
CELLSNET-53290Provide some options/means to keep the format (style) for the values inserted into the Table/List ObjectBug
CELLSNET-53325Style of Totals row covered by style of previous row when showing totals row.of the tableBug
CELLSNET-53328PowerQueries lost after replacementBug
CELLSNET-53357Font and font size is not set to all lines in the textbox when exporting to XLSBug
CELLSNET-53366Pivot table rows are not merged in PDF when the grand total is addedBug
CELLSNET-53399Aspose moves a graph beneath a table when totals row is enabled while excel does notBug
CELLSNET-53406InsertCutCells - Cutting rows and then inserting them somewhere else does not maintain formula referencesBug
CELLSNET-53408The value of merged cells changed when copying columnsBug
CELLSNET-53417Chart is not being moved down after adding rowsBug
CELLSNET-53418Horizontal data in a chart is not expanded.Bug
CELLSNET-53424When a sheet with ActiveX controls is copied to another workbook, some differences/issues occurredBug
CELLSNET-53436Copied shapes become free formsBug
CELLSNET-53457shape id changed after being saved and reloadedBug
CELLSNET-53461Exception throw: ‘Shape to image Error!’Exception
CELLSNET-53416Range merge exception while refreshing pivot tableException
