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Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET 23.7 Release Notes

CELLSNET-53625Support to render background color and border for textbox control in GridWebNew Feature
CELLSNET-53568Support visio file type detectionNew Feature
CELLSNET-53571Support OneNote package file type detectionNew Feature
CELLSNET-53597Nuget dependency vulnerability System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs version 6.0.1 (CVE-2023-29331)Enhancement
CELLSNET-53594Support XAdES signatures for CSharp X509Certificate2Enhancement
CELLSNET-53623Support Workook digital signature in Blazor Web AssemblyEnhancement
CELLSNET-53624Support VBA signature in Blazor Web AssemblyEnhancement
CELLSNET-53629Support to encrypt/decrypt Ods in Blazor Web AssemblyEnhancement
CELLSNET-53412Aspose.Cells is not working in Blazor app when publishing it using AOTEnhancement
CELLSNET-53584Tooltip box is flipped when converting file to pdfBug
CELLSNET-53318CHAR function returns error value when calling CalculateFormulaBug
CELLSNET-53535Circular reference results by Aspose.Cells do not match with MS ExcelBug
CELLSNET-53546Formula calculation issueBug
CELLSNET-53560Dynamic array formulas were calculated incorrectly as #N/ABug
CELLSNET-53659Worksheet’s standard width changes in generated file when changing the sequences of setting it and applying style to CellsBug
CELLSNET-53668Some cells cannot be calculated correctly after refreshing dynamic array formulas without calculationBug
CELLSNET-53582Unable to take screenshot for the chart that uses spill formulasBug
CELLSNET-51943Docker :A null reference or invalid value was found [GDI+ status: InvalidParameterBug
CELLSNET-53349Graph labels overlap in excel to PDF conversionBug
CELLSNET-53488The horizontal dashed line become rough when converting chart to imageBug
CELLSNET-53619Extra lines appear in the chart when saving the file to SVGBug
CELLSNET-53647The fill type for the chart area is automatic, but none is expectedBug
CELLSNET-53671Chart texts missed when converting XLS to PDFBug
CELLSNET-53542Checkboxes are not shown in the worksheet when importing an Excel file into GridWebBug
CELLSNET-53618Validation error is shown on the customer’s fileBug
CELLSNET-53530Some of the cells are missing their background colors in XLSX to HTML conversionBug
CELLSNET-53539Export excel to html with conditional formatting white backgroundBug
CELLSNET-53702Icons text alignment Center or Right(indent) is ignored when converting Workbook to HTMLBug
CELLSNET-53505Failed to set checked status for the radio buttonBug
CELLSNET-53536Regression: Property case sensitivityBug
CELLSNET-53551Data loss when importing XML to ExcelBug
CELLSNET-53562Keep the same paper size when converting Excel to WordBug
CELLSNET-53566Unable to detect apple file type correctlyBug
CELLSNET-53567Unable to detect xhtml file type correctlyBug
CELLSNET-53579Not able to open .XLS FileBug
CELLSNET-53648After filtering the table, the summary row is hiddenBug
CELLSNET-53669Data validation does not work after copying from other fileBug
CELLSNET-53688Changing ExternalLink DataSource corrupts XLSXBug
CELLSNET-53701Multiplies the controls after resaving the fileBug
CELLSNET-53714The text of Data field cannot be replaced normallyBug
CELLSNET-53666Exception “System.IndexOutOfRangeException” when opening an XLS fileException
