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Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET 24.3 Release Notes
This is the first version for Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET.
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET 24.3.
Key | Summary | Category |
CELLSNET-55244 | Support to calculate EVALUATE function | New Feature |
CELLSNET-55089 | Support top10 filter for GridDesktop | New Feature |
CELLSNET-55090 | Support date filter for datetime for GridDesktop | New Feature |
CELLSNET-55212 | Support text filter for GridDesktop | New Feature |
CELLSNET-55130 | Array formula and shared formula should not be allowed when setting them changes part of existing array formula | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-55077 | Improve richtext edit for GridWeb | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-55163 | Support richtext edit at formula editor box | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-54288 | Support Excel Add-In (JavaScript) - Investigation required | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-55207 | Process the navigation link when converting AZW3 to xlsx | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-55137 | How to align x-axis values/labels to the left | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-55143 | Convert Excel spreadsheet to ods with odf 1.3 standard | Enhancement |
CELLSNET-55215 | The ratios of width and height do not change simultaneously when Picture.IsLockAspectRatio is set to true | Bug |
CELLSNET-55122 | Data shift failed after calling InsertRange method | Bug |
CELLSNET-55151 | Save doubles with different precision between net5.0+ and net48 target frameworks | Bug |
CELLSNET-55210 | ISERROR function returns false for NPER #NUM! error | Bug |
CELLSNET-55223 | Calling recalculation on the workbook produces “#VALUE!” error | Bug |
CELLSNET-55243 | Formula not calculated correctly | Bug |
CELLSNET-55120 | Chart data errors after calling Chart.Calculate() | Bug |
CELLSNET-55117 | Raise exception when switch to the first sheet for the customer’s file in GridWeb .NET Core | Bug |
CELLSNET-55118 | Page size does not work as expected in GridWeb .net core | Bug |
CELLSNET-55134 | GridWeb is throwing invalid cast exception when switching the sheets with one of Excel workbooks | Bug |
CELLSNET-55142 | Text disappears if the cell is having multi line text in GridWeb | Bug |
CELLSNET-55179 | The blank space contained in the cell content becomes shorter after click on the cell in GridWeb | Bug |
CELLSNET-55237 | GridDesktop crashes when selecting a range | Bug |
CELLSNET-55140 | The vertical text spacing in PDF B does not match the spacing in Excel. | Bug |
CELLSNET-55164 | Page layout error when converting files to images | Bug |
CELLSNET-55186 | Importing Xml with line breaks into a table does not format correctly | Bug |
CELLSNET-55201 | The bold and italic style has been passed to the next paragraph of text when saving file to pdf | Bug |
CELLSNET-55203 | The position of the line break in the ‘Request section’ is different with Excel | Bug |
CELLSNET-55205 | Paging error occurred when saving to Pdf | Bug |
CELLSNET-55059 | Fail to import html file with svg image | Bug |
CELLSNET-55111 | Line break is incorrect in the output xlsx after set html string into cell | Bug |
CELLSNET-55138 | Issue with MergeEmptyTdForcely Option in HtmlSaveOptions | Bug |
CELLSNET-55149 | HTML line break is not being respected | Bug |
CELLSNET-55160 | Exporting XLSX file to HTML is corrupted and has a gibberish prefix | Bug |
CELLSNET-55217 | The underline contained in the text is lost when converting the file to HTML | Bug |
CELLSNET-55115 | While pivoting the Excel sheet, some of the rows in the date column are showing as number | Bug |
CELLSNET-55121 | External DDE link data source is not replaced after setting new value | Bug |
CELLSNET-55136 | Venture License: CellsException - You are using an evaluation copy and have opened files exceeding limitation. | Bug |
CELLSNET-55144 | Detect a simple text file as json file. | Bug |
CELLSNET-55150 | Cell references change failed after copying Worksheet | Bug |
CELLSNET-55156 | Randomly corrupting Excel files on save | Bug |
CELLSNET-55157 | Invalid shared formulas returns when loading Excel5 file | Bug |
CELLSNET-55172 | M4a file is detected as CSV when passing it as stream | Bug |
CELLSNET-55184 | Unable to replace date formatted text | Bug |
CELLSNET-55185 | Some Coditional formatting lost when converting to ods | Bug |
CELLSNET-55193 | Mp4 file is detected as CSV when passing it as stream | Bug |
CELLSNET-55200 | Picture in cell is missing after resaving the sample file | Bug |
CELLSNET-55218 | The result file crashes when resaving xlsm and using SaveFormat.Auto | Bug |
CELLSNET-55132 | Insert/Delete operations cause exception when the updated range intersects with existing dynamic array formula | Exception |
CELLSNET-55188 | CalculateFormula throws NullReferenceException after copying into a cell range | Exception |
CELLSNET-54923 | Loading XSLX file raises NullReferenceException | Exception |
CELLSNET-55180 | Invalid end column index exception on CreateRange function | Exception |
CELLSNET-55255 | Exception “Index was outside the bounds of the array” when loading XLS files via stream | Exception |