Blader door onze producten

If so you can download any of the below versions for testing. The product will function as normal except for an evaluation limitation. At the time of purchase we provide a license file via email that will allow the product to work in its full capacity. If you would also like an evaluation license to test without any restrictions for 30 days, please follow the directions provided here.


Aspose.Imaging für .NET 22.2

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  • Downloads:
  • 20
  • Dateigröße:
  • 38.2 MB
  • Posted By:
  • samer.el-khatib4aspose
  • Ansichten:
  • 25
  • Hinzugefügt am:
  • 2/1/2022


Optimierte Bildgrößenänderungsgeschwindigkeit

Die Geschwindigkeit der Bildgrößenänderung wurde verbessert und schneller gemacht.

resize(ResizeType.AdaptiveResample, 3);
resize(ResizeType.AdaptiveResample, 2);
resize(ResizeType.AdaptiveResample, 0.25d);
resize(ResizeType.LanczosResample, 4);
resize(ResizeType.LanczosResample, 0.25d);

private void resize(ResizeType resizeType, double scale)
    string baseFolder = @"D:\";
    string fileName = "tiger.bmp";
    string inputFileName = Path.Combine(baseFolder, fileName);

    long value = 0;
    int count = scale < 1 ? 50 : 5;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFileName))
            var s = new Stopwatch();
            image.Resize((int) Math.Round(image.Width * scale), 
             (int) Math.Round(image.Height * scale), resizeType);
            value += s.ElapsedMilliseconds;

    Console.WriteLine("{0}(scale - {1}:{3} times): 
         {2:0.00}ms", resizeType, scale, value, count);

Genaue Textausrichtung

Unterstützung hinzugefügt, um die pixelgenaue Textausrichtung durchzuführen.

string baseFolder = @"D:\test";
string[] alignments = new[] {"Left", "Center", "Right"};
FontSettings.SetFontsFolder(Path.Combine(baseFolder, "fonts"));
foreach (var alignment in alignments)
    DrawString(baseFolder, alignment);   

private void DrawString(string baseFolder, string align)
    string fileName = "output_" + align + ".png";
    string outputFileName = Path.Combine(baseFolder, fileName);
    string[] fontNames = new[]
        "Arial", "Times New Roman", 
        "Bookman Old Style", "Calibri", "Comic Sans MS", 
        "Courier New", "Microsoft Sans Serif", "Tahoma",
        "Verdana", "Proxima Nova Rg"

    float[] fontSizes = new[] { 10f, 22f, 50f, 100f };
    int width = 3000;
    int height = 3500;

    using (System.IO.FileStream stream = 
      new System.IO.FileStream(outputFileName, System.IO.FileMode.Create))
        //Create an instance of PngOptions and set its various properties
        Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.PngOptions pngOptions 
            = new Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.PngOptions();

        //Set the Source for PngOptions
        pngOptions.Source = new Aspose.Imaging.Sources.StreamSource(stream);

        //Create an instance of Image 
        using (Aspose.Imaging.Image image 
           = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Create(pngOptions, width, height))
            //Create and initialize an instance of Graphics class
            Aspose.Imaging.Graphics graphics = new Aspose.Imaging.Graphics(image);

            //Clear Graphics surface

            //Create a SolidBrush object and set its various properties
            Aspose.Imaging.Brushes.SolidBrush brush 
               = new Aspose.Imaging.Brushes.SolidBrush();
            brush.Color = Color.Black;
            float x = 10;
            int lineX = 0;
            float y = 10;
            float w = width - 20;
            var pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 1);

            StringAlignment alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
            switch (align)
                case "Left":
                    alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                    lineX = (int)Math.Round(x, 0);

                case "Center":
                    alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                    lineX = (int)Math.Round(x + w / 2f, 0);

                case "Right":
                    alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                    lineX = (int)(x + w);

            var stringFormat = new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.ExactAlignment);
            stringFormat.Alignment = alignment;
            foreach (var fontName in fontNames)
                foreach (var fontSize in fontSizes)
                    var font = new Font(fontName, fontSize);
                    string text = String.Format("This is font: {0}, size:{1}", fontName, fontSize);
                    var s = graphics.MeasureString(text, font, SizeF.Empty, null);
                     DrawString(text, font, brush, new RectangleF(x, y, w, s.Height), stringFormat);

                    y += s.Height;

                graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point((int)(x), (int)y), new Point((int)(x+w), (int)y));
            graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(lineX, 0), new Point(lineX, (int)y));

            // save all changes.

Verbessertes YCbCr-zu-RGb-Subsampling

Diese Version hat die Unterabtastungstestabdeckung von „YCbCr“ auf „RGb“ für „JPEG2000“ verbessert.

string[] files = new string[]
        "resultyuv420_watermark.jp2", "resultyuv422_watermark.jp2",

string output = string.Empty;

foreach (string file in files)
       string path = file;
       output = file + ".png";

       using (RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.Load(path))
                  new PngOptions() 
        { ColorType = Imaging.FileFormats.Png.PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha });

Eine vollständige Liste der Funktionen, Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen in dieser Version finden Sie unter Aspose.Imaging for .NET 22.2.
