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Aspose.Diagram for .NET 19.4 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Diagram for .NET 19.4
Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
DIAGRAMNET-51602 | Embedded XSLX object is getting corrupted after manipulation | Enhancement |
DIAGRAMNET-51625 | External excel data in .vsdx files are removed upon re-saving Diagram | Enhancement |
DIAGRAMNET-51626 | API does not process excel data | Enhancement |
DIAGRAMNET-51627 | Extract shape data on the basis of Dependson formula | Enhancement |
DIAGRAMNET-51629 | Enlarging a page to fit a drawing does not seem to work | Enhancement |
DIAGRAMNET-51176 | The gradient title bar is changed on converting a VSDM to SVG | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51404 | VSD to Image - The shape color is dark | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51473 | VDX to PDF - The incorrect background color | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51475 | VSDX to PDF - The gradients are being rendered in reversed | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51616 | Visio to PDF - Gradient is rendering upside down in output PDF | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51630 | VSDX to HTML - Background color of shapes is not present in the output | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51631 | VSDX to PDF - Background color of shapes is not present in the output | Bug |
DIAGRAMNET-51632 | VSD to SVG - Unable to cast object of type ‘ ’ to type ‘ ’ Exception occurred | Bug |
Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Diagram for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise them in the Aspose.Diagram support forum.
Adds enum RemoveHiddenInfoItem
Specifies the remove hidden info for the diagram.
Adds RemoveHiddenInfoItem in Diagram
Remove unused information.
diagram.RemoveHiddenInformation((int)(RemoveHiddenInfoItem.Shapes | RemoveHiddenInfoItem.Masters));