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Aspose.Email for Android via Java 19.3 Release Notes


EMAILNET-39295Option to save MapiCalendar with HTML body format.Enhancement
EMAILNET-39265Working with TNEF and VCardBug
EMAILJAVA-34490Adding EML with email addresses in other languages to PST changes those addresses to question marksBug
EMAILNET-39278The cloned messages are not identical to the original messagesBug
EMAILNET-39168Email To PDF conversion adds styles to the top of the documentBug
EMAILNET-39264Extract and Saving Messages Directly from PST to StreamBug
EMAILNET-39267Unable to manually create a new folder via Outlook for a PST generated by Aspose.EmailBug
EMAILNET-39276VCARD deserialization does not fetch all emailsBug
EMAILNET-39281Contact list as attachment ruined after load and saveBug
EMAILNET-39286ICS with HTML description not renderedBug
EMAILNET-39288Error with accented characters when converting MSG to MHTBug
EMAILNET-39291Saving message as HTML without body and HTML tag while receiving emails from GmailBug
EMAILNET-39294Invalid (Asian) Characters When Saving Email To PDFBug
EMAILJAVA-34493Bullets are lost in exported PDFBug
EMAILJAVA-34496Wrong HTML formatting in MapiTaskBug
EMAILNET-39309Inline Images are not processing properlyBug
EMAILNET-39260MapiMessage.FromMailMessage throws System.NotImplementedException for .NET CoreBug
EMAILJAVA-34511FormatException Exception while reading OLM fileBug
EMAILNET-39416Saving message as HTML without body and HTML tag while receiving emails from GmailBug
EMAILNET-39418Text failed to extract from MSG fileBug
EMAILJAVA-34513Issue in extraction of HTML bodyBug
EMAILJAVA-34506High CPU utilization over long time for messagesBug
EMAILJAVA-34501Meeting creator email is not getting retrievedBug
EMAILJAVA-34502All recipients are not getting fetched from MSGBug
EMAILJAVA-34494Setting task status to complete does not seem to work in the customer’s environmentBug
EMAILJAVA-34507ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on iterating FolderInfo ContentBug
EMAILJAVA-34505Wrong end date for recurring event after extraction from the PSTBug
EMAILJAVA-34512Exception on loading the MSG fileBug
EMAILJAVA-34503Performance issue while Extracting MSG from PSTBug

Added APIs

Field/Enum MapiPropertyTag.PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_SMTP_ADDRESS Field/Enum MapiPropertyTag.PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_SMTP_ADDRESS_A Field/Enum MapiPropertyTag.PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_SMTP_ADDRESS_W Method MapiContactElectronicAddress.equals(Object) Method MapiContactElectronicAddress.hashCode Method MapiContactElectronicAddress.toString Property MapiCalendarAttendees.getAppointmentUnsendableRecipients, setAppointmentUnsendableRecipients Property MapiConversionOptions.getForcedRtfBodyForAppointment, setForcedRtfBodyForAppointment Property MapiMessage.getSentRepresentingSmtpAddress

Removed APIs

No Changes