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Aspose.Email for CPP 24.12.1 Release Notes

Aspose.Email for C++ 24.12.1 is based on Aspose.Email for .NET 24.11.

Aspose.Email for C++ does not support asyncronic features of e-mail protocols

New Features and Enhancements

Improved MapiAttachmentCollection.Add Method to Support Reference Attachments

The MapiAttachmentCollection::Add method now includes a new overload to add reference attachments. A new ReferenceAttachmentOptions class has been introduced to define reference attachment properties.

Code Example:

auto options = CreateObject<ReferenceAttachmentOptions>(

// Add reference attachment
msg->get_Attachments()->Add(u"Document.pdf", options);

New Property to Identify Reference Attachments

The MapiAttachment class now includes the IsReference property, enabling developers to identify reference attachments in a message.

Code Example:

for (auto&& attachment : System::IterateOver(msg->get_Attachments()))
    if (attachment->get_IsReference())
        // Process reference attachment

Enhanced FolderInfo.EnumerateMapiMessages Methods

New overloaded methods in the [FolderInfo] class enhance message search and retrieval capabilities:

  • SharedPtr<IEnumerable<SharedPtr<MapiMessage>>> EnumerateMessages(SharedPtr<MailQuery> mailQuery) - Filter messages using a [MailQuery]
  • SharedPtr<IEnumerable<SharedPtr<MapiMessage>>> EnumerateMessages(MessageKind kind) - Retrieve messages by type ([MessageKind]
  • SharedPtr<IEnumerable<SharedPtr<MapiMessage>>> EnumerateMessages(int32_t startIndex, int32_t count) - Paginate message retrieval using a starting index and count.

Added Support for GCC High Endpoints in GraphClient

GraphClient now supports EndPoint property to connect to GCC High O365 endpoints.

Code Example:


auto folders = client->ListFolders();

The full code of the examples can be found at Aspose Email for C++ GitHub examples repository.