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Aspose.Email for CPP 24.6 Release Notes

Aspose.Email for C++ 24.6 is based on Aspose.Email for .NET 24.5.

Aspose.Email for C++ does not support asyncronic features of e-mail protocols

New Features

Extract Message Recipients from PST

A feature has been introduced that allows recipients to be extracted from PST files using a message entry ID. This feature is available in the PersonalStorage class.

Recipients Extracted by Entry ID:

Method: MapiRecipientCollection ExtractRecipients(String entryId)

Code example:

    auto pst = PersonalStorage::FromFile(fileName)

    // Recipients are extracted using the entry ID
    auto recipients = pst->ExtractRecipients(u"AAAAADzSMygQQFJOkKwVhb8v5EUkASAA");

Recipients Extracted from Message Info:

Method: MapiRecipientCollection ExtractRecipients(MessageInfo messageInfo)

Code example:

    auto pst = PersonalStorage::FromFile(fileName)

    // The "Inbox" folder is obtained
    auto folder = pst->get_RootFolder()->GetSubfolder(u"Inbox");

    // Each message in the "Inbox" folder is iterated
    for (auto messageInfo : IterateOver(folder->EnumerateMessages()))

        // Recipients are extracted from each message
        auto recipients = pst->ExtractRecipients(messageInfo);

2. Soft Deleted Items Recovered in Local PST and OST Files

A method to recover soft deleted items from local PST and OST files has been provided. This is implemented via the PersonalStorage class.

Method: List<SharedPtr<RestoredItemEntry>> FindAndExtractSoftDeletedItems()

Code example:

    auto pst = PersonalStorage.FromFile(fileName)

    // Soft deleted items are found and extracted
    auto entries = pst->FindAndExtractSoftDeletedItems();

    // The recovered items are iterated through
    for (var index = 0; index < entries->get_Count(); index++)
        // Folder information is obtained by ID
        auto folderInfo = pst->GetFolderById(entries[index]->get_FolderId());

        // A directory for the folder is created if it doesn't exist
        if (!Directory::Exists(folderInfo->get_DisplayName()))
            Directory::CreateDirectory(Path::Combine(path, folderInfo->get_DisplayName()));
        // The restored item is obtained
        auto msg = entries[index]->get_Item();
        // The restored item is saved as a .msg file
        msg->Save(Path::Combine(path, folderInfo->get_DisplayName(), String::Format(u"{0}.msg", index)));

3. Multi-Contact VCF Converted to MapiDistributionList

Support has been added for converting multi-contact VCF files into MapiDistributionList objects. This can be done using the following static methods in the MapiDistributionList class.


  • static MapiDistributionList FromVCF(String filePath)
  • static MapiDistributionList FromVCF(SharedPtr<Stream> stream)

Code example:

// A multi-contact VCF file is converted to a MapiDistributionList
auto dlist = MapiDistributionList::FromVCF(fileName);

The full code of the examples can be found at Aspose Email for C++ GitHub examples repository.