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Aspose.Email for Java 6.9.0 Release Notes
Aspose.Email for Java is a class library that enables applications to manipulate popular message formats including Microsoft Outlook messages. It also supports communication protocols such as IMAP, SMTP, POP3, and Microsoft Exchange Server. In addition, the API supports working with PST as well as OST file formats.
Major Features
- Marking Items in-place within a PST
- EWS: Provision of synching folder own name
Features and Improvements
Key | Summary | Category |
EMAILNET-34970 | Marking Items in-place within a PST | New Feature |
EMAILNET-38414 | EWS: Provision of synching folder own name etc | New Feature |
EMAILNET-38448 | Provision to identify embedded (nested) messages in TNEF messages | Enhancement |
EMAILNET-35239 | Implement RTF Extension Algorithm to properly display body of message after converting from eml to msg | Enhancement |
EMAILNET-38446 | Convert inline attachments from RTF body to inline images in HTML body at MSG to EML conversion | Enhancement |
EMAILNET-38443 | Improve log methods to decrease delay which depends on log operations | Enhancement |
EMAILJAVA-34187 | Move all external maven dependencies to local repo | Enhancement |
EMAILNET-35187 | Empty message Id retrieved while using ImapClient.ListMessages() | Bug |
EMAILNET-38426 | IMAP Idle command stops receiving events after some times | Bug |
EMAILNET-38430 | Adding nested message to EML message in TNEF format (winmail.dat) | Bug |
EMAILJAVA-34184 | Accepting Task sent by Aspose.Email crashes MS Outlook | Bug |
EMAILNET-38437 | EML to MHTML: Empty output | Bug |
EMAILJAVA-34185 | MSG->MSG inserts spaces between paragraphs | Bug |
EMAILNET-38441 | RTF MSG to MHTML: Font styles are not retained | Bug |
EMAILNET-38450 | Empty Message body when Saved email using Aspose.Email API is sent using MS Outlook | Bug |
EMAILNET-38452 | Resaving MSG file using MapiMessage destroys Ole Object in MSG | Bug |
EMAILNET-38439 | Loading Large EML raises System.OutOfMemory Exception in x86 settings | Bug |
EMAILNET-38447 | EML to MHT raises Exception | Bug |
EMAILNET-38449 | Exception while using IEWSClient.CreateContact with MapiContact and Contact | Bug |
EMAILNET-38454 | Exception while loading EML to MailMessage | Bug |
The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Email for Java. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Email support forum.
Added APIs
Class SyncFolderType Class SyncState Field/Enum SyncFolderType.All Field/Enum SyncFolderType.Items Field/Enum SyncFolderType.SubFolders Method IEWSClient.syncFolder(SyncState) Method IEWSClient.syncFolder(String) Method IEWSClient.syncFolder(String, /SyncFolderType/int) Method SyncState.#ctor Method SyncState.#ctor(String) Property SyncFolderResult.getChangedFolders Property SyncFolderResult.getDeletedFolders Property SyncFolderResult.getNewFolders Property SyncFolderResult.getSyncObject Property SyncState.getFoldersSyncState, setFoldersSyncState Property SyncState.getFolderUri, setFolderUri Property SyncState.getIgnoredItems Property SyncState.getItemsSyncState, setItemsSyncState Property SyncState.getSyncType, setSyncType
Method ImapClient.beginBackup(IConnection, ImapFolderInfoCollection, InputStream, /BackupOptions/int) Method ImapClient.beginBackup(IConnection, ImapFolderInfoCollection, InputStream, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback) Method ImapClient.beginBackup(IConnection, ImapFolderInfoCollection, InputStream, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback, Object) Method ImapClient.beginBackup(IConnection, ImapFolderInfoCollection, String, /BackupOptions/int) Method ImapClient.beginBackup(IConnection, ImapFolderInfoCollection, String, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback) Method ImapClient.beginBackup(IConnection, ImapFolderInfoCollection, String, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback, Object) Method ImapClient.beginBackup(ImapFolderInfoCollection, InputStream, /BackupOptions/int) Method ImapClient.beginBackup(ImapFolderInfoCollection, InputStream, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback) Method ImapClient.beginBackup(ImapFolderInfoCollection, InputStream, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback, Object) Method ImapClient.beginBackup(ImapFolderInfoCollection, String, /BackupOptions/int) Method ImapClient.beginBackup(ImapFolderInfoCollection, String, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback) Method ImapClient.beginBackup(ImapFolderInfoCollection, String, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback, Object)
Method LogEntry.#ctor(byte[]) Method LogEntry.#ctor(byte[], IGenericDictionary) Method LogEntry.#ctor(byte[], Charset) Method LogEntry.#ctor(byte[], Charset, IGenericDictionary) Method LogEntry.#ctor(String, IGenericDictionary) Method Logger.write(String, Exception, LogLevel) Method Logger.writeIf(LogLevel, String) Method Logger.writeIf(LogLevel, String, Exception) Method Logger.writeIf(boolean, Object, Exception)
Class IAsyncResultExt Method MailClientTask.#ctor Property IAsyncResultExt.getErrorInfo Property IAsyncResultExt.isCanceled Property LogEntry.getBinaryDataMessage, setBinaryDataMessage Property LogEntry.getMessageEncoding, setMessageEncoding Property MailClientTask.getTimeout, setTimeout
Property Attachment.isEmbeddedMessage
Method MapiNamedProperty.#ctor(long, long, UUID, byte[]) Method MapiNamedProperty.#ctor(long, String, UUID, byte[])
Method FolderInfo.changeMessages(MapiPropertyCollection) Method PersonalStorage.changeMessage(String, MapiPropertyCollection)
Removed APIs
Field/Enum MailClientTask.callback Field/Enum MailClientTask.canceled Field/Enum MailClientTask.commandCompletedEvent Field/Enum MailClientTask.disposed Field/Enum MailClientTask.error Field/Enum MailClientTask.lockObject Field/Enum MailClientTask.state Field/Enum MailClientTask.taskResult Property MailClientTask.getCallback Property MailClientTask.getCanceled Property MailClientTask.getError
Method Logger.writeIf(boolean, String, Exception)
Method ImapClient.beginRestore(IConnection, ImapFolderInfoCollection, InputStream, /BackupOptions/int) Method ImapClient.beginRestore(IConnection, ImapFolderInfoCollection, InputStream, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback) Method ImapClient.beginRestore(IConnection, ImapFolderInfoCollection, InputStream, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback, Object) Method ImapClient.beginRestore(IConnection, ImapFolderInfoCollection, String, /BackupOptions/int) Method ImapClient.beginRestore(IConnection, ImapFolderInfoCollection, String, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback) Method ImapClient.beginRestore(IConnection, ImapFolderInfoCollection, String, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback, Object) Method ImapClient.beginRestore(ImapFolderInfoCollection, InputStream, /BackupOptions/int) Method ImapClient.beginRestore(ImapFolderInfoCollection, InputStream, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback) Method ImapClient.beginRestore(ImapFolderInfoCollection, InputStream, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback, Object) Method ImapClient.beginRestore(ImapFolderInfoCollection, String, /BackupOptions/int) Method ImapClient.beginRestore(ImapFolderInfoCollection, String, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback) Method ImapClient.beginRestore(ImapFolderInfoCollection, String, /BackupOptions/int, AsyncCallback, Object)