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Aspose.Email for Java 22.10 Release Notes

All Changes

EMAILNET-40735Unable to set DisplayName for attached MSGEnhancement
EMAILNET-40763Message Headers are lost while reading OLMBug
EMAILNET-40732Issues with reading OLM and save messagesBug
EMAILNET-40774OLM reader does not correctly extract signed/encrypted messagesBug
EMAILNET-40759ExchangeException is thrown by CreateAppointment methodBug
EMAILNET-40760System.FormatException is thrown while reading TGZBug
EMAILNET-40734Multiple recipient header merged into a single header after EML to MSG conversionBug
EMAILJAVA-35112EML to MSG: “\n” characters are appended upon conversionBug
EMAILNET-40756The From header is not rendered after MSG to EML conversionBug
EMAILNET-40746Converting Appointment from Calendar to MSG hangsBug
EMAILNET-40742ICS to MSG conversion fails when certain keys missing using PythonBug
EMAILNET-40773OLM reader does not correctly extract signed/encrypted messagesBug
EMAILNET-40758IEWSClient.AppendMessage thorws System.ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionBug
EMAILJAVA-35118Implement EWSClient Reply and Forward methods by Referenced message URIEnhancement
EMAILJAVA-35109Email Connection to Exchange Server is taking too much timeBug
EMAILJAVA-35108SendGrid LinkedResources Issue (Multipart attachments)Bug

New Enhancements

Renaming an Attachment in MapiMessage

It is possible to edit the DisplayName property value in MapiMessage attachments now.

Code samples:

MapiMessage msg = MapiMessage.load(fileName);
msg.getAttachments().get_Item(0).setDisplayName("New display name 1");
msg.getAttachments().get_Item(1).setDisplayName("New display name 2");