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Aspose.Email for Java 24.3 Release Notes

All Changes

EMAILNET-41303MailMessage.Load hangsEnhancement
EMAILJAVA-35265PersonalStorage based on java.nio.channels streamEnhancement
EMAILNET-41309TimeZone is null when loading appointmentBugBug
EMAILNET-41304ArgumentNullException while opening VCF fileBug
EMAILNET-41301WeekDay can not be converted because of an unexpected value of the Day propertyBug
EMAILNET-41300BYSETPOS must only be used in conjunction with another BYxxx rule partBug
EMAILNET-41299Validation of EMLX files by MessageValidator throws the error “Given stream has incorrect format”Bug

New Features

Support for PersonalStorage based on java.nio.channels stream

We added the following methods to PersonalStorage class:

  • create(SeekableByteChannel channel, /*FileFormatVersion*/int version) - Create PersonalStorage based on SeekableByteChannel stream.

Code Examples

Create PersonalStorage

try (RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile("test.pst", "rw")) {
    FileChannel channel = raf.getChannel();
    try (PersonalStorage pst = PersonalStorage.create(channel, FileFormatVersion.Unicode)) {
        FolderInfo messageFolder = pst.getRootFolder().addSubFolder("messageFolder");

        for (File f : new File("messageFolder").listFiles()) {