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Aspose.Email for .NET 24.3

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  • 1
  • File Size:
  • 53.64MB
  • Date Added:
  • 31/3/2024


It contains Aspose.Email for .NET 24.3 release (MSI installer).

File Details

Enhanced Microsoft Graph Integration

Effortlessly manage contacts and calendar data seamlessly with the new API additions in Aspose.Email for .NET 24.3 for accessing, creating, updating, and listing contacts and calendar items.

This C# code example demonstrates how you can manage contacts in your email processing apps:

// List Contacts
MapiContactCollection contacts = graphClient.ListContacts("contactFolderId");

// Fetch Contact
MapiContact contact = graphClient.FetchContact("contactId");

// Create Contact
MapiContact newContact = new MapiContact("Jane Smith", "", "XYZ Corporation", "777-888-999");

MapiContact createdContact = graphClient.CreateContact("contactFolderId", newContact);

// Update Contact
createdContact.Telephones.PrimaryTelephoneNumber = "888-888-999";

MapiContact updatedContact = graphClient.UpdateContact(createdContact);


And the following code snippet illustrates how to manage calender items within your C# emailing solutions:

// List Calendars
CalendarInfoCollection calendars = graphClient.ListCalendars();

// List Calendar Items
MapiCalendarCollection calendarItems = graphClient.ListCalendarItems("calendarId");

// Fetch Calendar Item
MapiCalendar calendarItem = graphClient.FetchCalendarItem("calendarItemId");

// Create Calendar Item
MapiCalendar newCalendarItem = new MapiCalendar(
    location: "Conference Room",
    summary: "Team Meeting",
    description: "Discuss project status and updates.",
    startDate: startDate,
    endDate: endDate

MapiCalendar createdCalendarItem = graphClient.CreateCalendarItem("calendarId", newCalendarItem);

// Update Calendar Item
createdCalendarItem.Location = "Zoom Meeting";
MapiCalendar updatedCalendarItem = graphClient.UpdateCalendarItem(createdCalendarItem);


Other Highlights

  • An improvement has been added to fix the MailMessage.Load hanging issue (EMAILNET-41303).
  • Addressed the null TimeZone value problem during appointment loading (EMAILNET-41309).
  • Resolved the ArgumentNullException while opening VCF files (EMAILNET-41304).
  • Fixed the unexpected WeekDay conversion errors (EMAILNET-41301).
  • This release ensures BYSETPOS rule compatibility with other BYxxx rules (EMAILNET-41300).
  • Improved validation of EMLX files by MessageValidator (EMAILNET-41299).

You can view the list of all new features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced in this release by visiting Aspose.Email for .NET 24.3 Release Notes.
