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Aspose.Email for .NET 22.7 Release Notes

All Changes

EMAILNET-40645FetchMessages returns messages without orderEnhancement
EMAILNET-40649Mail Subject with double quotation (and other symbols) wrongly decodedBug
EMAILNET-40623EML to MHTML/PDF: Line spacing lostBug
EMAILNET-40640EML with TNEF contains a header with non-ascii charactersBug
EMAILNET-40636ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown while reading emailBug
EMAILNET-40632TNEF mail throws “Offset or count were out of bounds” exeptionBug
EMAILNET-40633TNEF emails throws EndOfStreamException while loadingBug
EMAILNET-40634ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown while reading TNEFBug
EMAILNET-40635FormatException is thrown while reading TNEF mailBug
EMAILNET-40637ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown while reading emailsBug
EMAILNET-40631ReferenceAttachment header is corrupt exception is thrown while loading EMLBug
EMAILNET-40630System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown while saving EML to MHTMLBug

New Enhancements

Obtaining the identification info for messages received from a mailbox

Sometimes, when processing messages received from the server, it is required to get the message identification info such as UID or sequence number.

Changes in public API:

  • Aspose.Email.MailboxInfo class - Represents identification information about message in a mailbox.
    • Aspose.Email.MailboxInfo.SequenceNumber property - The sequence number of message.
    • Aspose.Email.MailboxInfo.UniqueId property - The unique id of message.
  • Aspose.Email.MailMessage.ItemId property - Represents identification information about message in a mailbox.

Code samples:

using (var client = new ImapClient(imapHost, port, emailAddress, password, securityOption))
    var msgs = client.ListMessages("INBOX").Take(5);
    var seqIds = msgs.Select(t => t.SequenceNumber);
    var msgsViaFetch = client.FetchMessages(seqIds);
    for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        var thisMsg = msgsViaFetch[i];
        Console.WriteLine($"Message ID:{seqIds.ElementAt(i)} SequenceNumber: {thisMsg.ItemId.SequenceNumber} Subject:{thisMsg.Subject}");