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Aspose.Email for .NET 23.11 Release Notes

All Changes

EMAILNET-40868Add feature to validate messagesFeature
EMAILNET-41221Add MapiMessage.AttachSignature methodFeature
EMAILNET-41220Make the GetAlternateViewContent method of MailMessage case-insensitiveEnhancement
EMAILNET-41229ContentLocation not set when converting EML to MSGBug
EMAILNET-41153Appointment.Save is not thread safeBug
EMAILNET-41216Some MSG file have unexpected characters when open with Aspose MapiMessageBug
EMAILNET-41205Opening the saved email gives the errorBug

New Features

Validate Email Messages

This functionality allows users to validate message files, ensuring adherence to specified formats and structures. It supports validation for files/streams in the following formats:

  • MIME Formats: eml, emlx, mht
  • MAPI Formats: msg, oft

API members:

Aspose.Email.Tools.Verifications.MessageValidator.Validate Method - validate messages using this method, providing a file path or stream as input.

Aspose.Email.Tools.Verifications.MessageValidationResult Class - encapsulates the results of the message validation process. Provides insights into the success of the validation, format type, and any encountered errors.

Aspose.Email.Tools.Verifications.MessageValidationErrorType Enum - Enumerates different types of validation errors.

Code sample:

using Aspose.Email;
using Aspose.Email.Tools.Verifications;

var result = MessageValidator.Validate(fileName);

// Check if validation is successful
if (!result.IsSuccess)
    Console.WriteLine("Validation failed.");

    // Check the format type
    if (result.FormatType == FileFormatType.Mht)
        Console.WriteLine("Format type is Mht.");

    // Check and display errors
    Console.WriteLine($"Number of errors: {result.Errors.Count}");

    foreach (var error in result.Errors)
        Console.WriteLine($"Error Type: {error.ErrorType}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Description: {error.Description}");
    Console.WriteLine("Validation successful.");

Attach signature to email messages

This method, available through the SecureEmailManager class, allows you to attach digital signatures to email messages.

SecureEmailManager.AttachSignature Method - facilitates the attachment of digital signatures to email messages. After attaching the signature, verify the results through properties like IsSigned, MessageClass, and attachment details.

You can provide a MailMessage or MapiMessage, a private certificate, and signature options to customize the signature attachment process.

SignatureOptions Class - enables users to specify various options for the signature attachment, including detached or non-detached signatures.

Code sample:

var fileName =  "message.msg";
var privateCertFile = "certFile.pfx";
var privateCert = new X509Certificate2(privateCertFile, "password");

var msg = MapiMessage.Load(fileName);

var signedDetached =
    new SecureEmailManager().AttachSignature(msg, privateCert, new SignatureOptions { Detached = true });

if (signedDetached.IsSigned)
    Console.WriteLine("Detached Signature Attached Successfully.");

var signedNonDetached =
    new SecureEmailManager().AttachSignature(msg, privateCert, new SignatureOptions { Detached = false });

if (signedNonDetached.IsSigned)
    Console.WriteLine("Non-Detached Signature Attached Successfully.");