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Aspose.Diagram for .NET 18.5 Notas de la versión

Mejoras y Cambios

DIAGRAMNET-50189VSD to PDF conversion, horizontal gradient fill instead of centerMejora
DIAGRAMNET-50927The gradient color pattern of shape is changed on converting a VSD to PDFMejora
DIAGRAMNET-50929The gradient color pattern of shape is changed on converting a VSD to SVGMejora
DIAGRAMNET-51405VSD a imagen: los caracteres de texto se amplíanMejora
DIAGRAMNET-51412VSD to PDF - an OLE object is missingMejora
DIAGRAMNET-51413VSD a la imagen: falta un objeto OLEMejora
DIAGRAMNET-50185 VSD to PDF conversion, thick curved line along with incorrect alignment of textInsecto
DIAGRAMNET-50588VSDX to PDF conversion, the changed fill color of the shapesInsecto
DIAGRAMNET-50593VSDX to HTML conversion, the changed fill color of the shapesInsecto
DIAGRAMNET-50873Arrows of connectors turn into straight lines on converting a VSDX to EMFInsecto
DIAGRAMNET-50926The transparent color of container shape turned into black while converting a VSDX to PDFInsecto
DIAGRAMNET-51452Entrada VSDX: exportación incorrecta de Forma a imagenInsecto
DIAGRAMNET-51453Entrada VSDX: lectura inconsistente de las propiedades de la formaInsecto
DIAGRAMNET-51458VSDX to PNG - the color of shapes is being changedInsecto
DIAGRAMNET-51459VSDX to SVG - the color of shapes is being changedInsecto
DIAGRAMNET-51460VSDX to PNG - the missing parts of connecting linesInsecto
DIAGRAMNET-51461VSDX to SVG - the missing parts of connecting linesInsecto
DIAGRAMNET-51463VSDX to PDF - the junk data is being generatedInsecto
