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Aspose.3D for Java 18.9-septembre 2018

Autres améliorations et changements

Soutien CancellationTokenNouvelle caractéristique
FBX ExportException-Nombre élevé de polygonesBug
ImportException lors de l’ouverture d’énormes fichiers FBXBug
Toutes les propriétés des paramètres globaux du FBX ne sont pas chargées dans AssetInfoBug

Public API et changements incompatibles vers l’arrière

Veuillez consulter la liste de toutes les modifications apportées au public API, telles que les membres ajoutés, renommés, supprimés ou obsolètes, ainsi que toute modification non rétrocompatible apportée au Aspose.3D for Java API. Si vous avez des préoccupations concernant un changement répertorié, veuillez le soulever sur leAspose.3D forum de soutien.

API changements:

Class com.aspose.threed.Node a ajouté 2 nouvelles méthodes:


     * Per-node asset info

     * @param value New value


    public void setAssetInfo(com.aspose.threed.AssetInfo);


     * Per-node asset info


    public com.aspose.threed.AssetInfo getAssetInfo();

Certains types de fichiers peuvent avoir des informations sur l’actif par nœud. Dans FBX, la propriété AssetInfo du nœud racine contient les paramètres globaux définis dans les fichiers FBX.

Code d’échantillon:

         //Access GlobalSettings in FBX file, more properties can be found by opening the ASCII FBX files in a text editor.

        //And FBXHeaderExtension/SceneInfo inside FBX file will be mapped to Scene.AssetInfo

        Scene scene = new Scene("test.fbx");

        AssetInfo globalSettings = scene.getRootNode().getAssetInfo();




Classe ‘com.aspose.threed.Scene’ a ajouté 10 nouvelles méthodes:

Ce sont toutes de nouvelles surcharges aux méthodes de sauvegarde/ouverture d’origine:

Vieilles méthodes:


     * Opens the scene from given stream using specified file format.

     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.

     * @param format File format.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task


    public void open(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws ImportException;


     * Opens the scene from given stream using specified IO config.

     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.

     * @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task


    public void open(Stream stream, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws ImportException;


     * Opens the scene from given stream

     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task


    public void open(Stream stream, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws IOException;


     * Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.

     * @param fileName File name.

     * @param format File format.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task


    public void open(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws IOException;


     * Opens the scene from given path using specified file format.

     * @param fileName File name.

     * @param options More detailed configuration to open the stream.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task


    public void open(String fileName, LoadOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws IOException;


     * Opens the scene from given path

     * @param fileName File name.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the load task


    public void open(String fileName, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws IOException;


     * Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.

     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.

     * @param format Format.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the save task


    public void save(Stream stream, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws ExportException;


     * Saves the scene to stream using specified file format.

     * @param stream Input stream, user is responsible for closing the stream.

     * @param options More detailed configuration to save the stream.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the save task


    public void save(Stream stream, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws ExportException;


     * Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.

     * @param fileName File name.

     * @param format Format.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the save task


    public void save(String fileName, FileFormat format, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws IOException;


     * Saves the scene to specified path using specified file format.

     * @param fileName File name.

     * @param options More detailed configuration to save the stream.

     * @param cancellationToken Cancellation token to the save task


    public void save(String fileName, SaveOptions options, Cancellation cancellationToken)

        throws IOException;

Vous pouvez utiliser l’annulation pour annuler la tâche de sauvegarde/ouverture à tout moment dont vous avez besoin.

Code d’échantillon:

         final Cancellation cts = new Cancellation();

        Thread thread = new Thread(() -> {

            try {



            } catch(InterruptedException e) {

                throw new RuntimeException(e);




        Scene scene = new Scene();

        try {

  "test.fbx", cts);

            System.out.println("Import is done within 1000ms");

        } catch(ImportException e) {

            if(e.getCause() instanceof CancellationException) {

                System.out.println("It takes too long time to import, and we have canceled the importing.");


