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Aspose.3D for Java 19.2 Notes de Libération

Améliorations et changements

Créer une géométrie en extrudant des formesNouvelle caractéristique

Public API et changements incompatibles vers l’arrière

Voir la liste de toutes les modifications apportées au public API telles que les membres ajoutés, renommés, supprimés ou dépréciés ainsi que toute modification non rétrocompatible apportée au Aspose.3D for Java. Si vous avez des préoccupations concernant un changement répertorié, veuillez le soulever sur leAspose.3D forum de soutien.

Méthode ajoutée FromControlPoints dans la classe «com.aspose.threed.Shape»:


     * Create a shape with specified control points with a default indices.

     * @param controlPoints 


    public static Shape fromControlPoints(Vector3... controlPoints);

Ajout d’une nouvelle classe ‘com.aspose.threed.LinearExtrusion ‘:


 * Linear extrusion takes a 2D shape as input and extends the shape in the 3rd dimension.


public class LinearExtrusion extends Entity implements IMeshConvertible



     * The base shape to be extruded.


    public Shape getShape();


     * The base shape to be extruded.

     * @param value New value


    public void setShape(Shape value);


     * The direction of extrusion, default value is (0, 0, 1)


    public Vector3 getDirection();


     * The direction of extrusion, default value is (0, 0, 1)

     * @param value New value


    public void setDirection(Vector3 value);


     * The height of the extruded geometry, default value is 1.0


    public double getHeight();


     * The height of the extruded geometry, default value is 1.0

     * @param value New value


    public void setHeight(double value);


     * The slices of the twisted extruded geometry, default value is 1.


    public int getSlices();


     * The slices of the twisted extruded geometry, default value is 1.

     * @param value New value


    public void setSlices(int value);


     * If this value is false, the linear extrusion Z range is from 0 to height, otherwise the range is from -height/2 to height/2.


    public boolean getCenter();


     * If this value is false, the linear extrusion Z range is from 0 to height, otherwise the range is from -height/2 to height/2.

     * @param value New value


    public void setCenter(boolean value);


     * The offset that used in twisting, default value is (0, 0, 0).


    public Vector3 getTwistOffset();


     * The offset that used in twisting, default value is (0, 0, 0).

     * @param value New value


    public void setTwistOffset(Vector3 value);


     * The number of degrees of through which the shape is extruded.


    public double getTwist();


     * The number of degrees of through which the shape is extruded.

     * @param value New value


    public void setTwist(double value);


     * Constructor of instance {@link com.aspose.threed.LinearExtrusion}.


    public LinearExtrusion();


     * Constructor of instance {@link com.aspose.threed.LinearExtrusion}.


    public LinearExtrusion(Shape shape, double height);


     * Convert the extrusion to mesh.


    public Mesh toMesh();

