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Aspose.Diagram for .NET 20.4 Notes de mise à jour

Améliorations et changements

DIAGRAMNET-51454VSD en JPG - rendu incorrect du texte verticalRenforcement
DIAGRAMNET-51455VSD to TIFF - incorrect rendering of the vertical textRenforcement
DIAGRAMNET-51456VSD to PDF - incorrect rendering of the vertical textRenforcement
DIAGRAMNET-51781Mauvaise mise en page après la conversion Visio VSD à VSDXRenforcement
DIAGRAMNET-51782Différence après conversion Visio vsd->vsdxRenforcement
DIAGRAMNET-50087VSD to HTML conversion, word wrap is not working in the columnPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-50088VSD to PDF conversion, word wrap is not working in the columnPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-50338VSDX to PDF conversion, problem with the text alignmentsPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-50339VSDX to HTML conversion, problem with the text alignmentsPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-50534VSD to PDF conversion, the text items alignment problemsPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-50791The text numbers are displaced on converting a VSD to PDFPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-50792The text numbers are displaced on converting a VSD to HTMLPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51241Rotated characters of the text when converting a VSD to PDFPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51792VSD to SVG -Part of VSD file is wrongly convertedPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51795Visio to HTML - When shapes have Paragraph options, HTML is bad renderedPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51797VSDX to PNG - An exception occursPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51798Visio to SVG - Icon MissingPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51799Visio to SVG - Checkbox shown with Different iconPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51801-Visio to HTML - Text color is not well rendered in HTMLPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51802-VISIO to PNG - output is showing different dataPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51803Visio to PNG - the alignment of the number is getting out of the canvas.Punaise
DIAGRAMNET-51804Visio to SVG - Number alignment out of the canvasPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51805Visio to SVG - Heading overlapped by an “-” symbol before itPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51806Visio to SVG - A black block in the middle of the picturePunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51807Visio to SVG - No checkboxPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51808Visio to SVG - Icons missingPunaise

Visio to SVG - Number changed in the middle. Which is supposed to be mm.yyyy. but it gives an

nombre arbitraire incrémenté de 30

DIAGRAMNET-51810Visio to HTML - A shape is missing in the HTMLPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51811Couleur de fond incorrecte des formes dans VSDXPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51812 Visio to HTML - image and links issues in outputPunaise
DIAGRAMNET-51817output SVG does not contain all properties of VSDXPunaise
