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Aspose.GIS for .NET 24.11 Release Notes
Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release
Key | Summary | Category |
GISNET-1683 | Add Support of Raster Formats (JPEG, PNG, TIFF) with World Files | Feature |
GISNET-1710 | Implement an API that allows to find out the index of a feature in a layer. | Feature |
GISNET-1664 | After the intersection has been completed the SpatialReferenceSystem property is NULL. | Bug |
GISNET-1721 | Bug related with wrong SQL commands related with replacement feature (DELETE and INSERT instead of UPDATE). | Bug |
GISAPP-1225 | Add SQL parameters for queries | Enhancement |
GISAPP-1720 | Transaction support for data fetching has been added. | Enhancement |
Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes
Following members have been added:
- P:Aspose.Gis.Drivers.WorldRaster
- P:Aspose.Gis.Drivers.JpegW
- P:Aspose.Gis.Drivers.PngW
- P:Aspose.Gis.Drivers.BmpW
- P:Aspose.Gis.Drivers.TiffW
- T:Aspose.Gis.Formats.WorldFile.WorldRasterDriver
- P:Aspose.Gis.Formats.WorldFile.WorldRasterDriver.CanOpenLayers
- M:Aspose.Gis.Formats.WorldFile.WorldRasterDriver.OpenLayer(Aspose.Gis.AbstractPath,Aspose.Gis.RasterDriverOptions)
- M:Aspose.Gis.Formats.WorldFile.WorldRasterDriver.OpenLayer(Aspose.Gis.AbstractPath)
- T:Aspose.Gis.Formats.BmpW.BmpWDriver
- P:Aspose.Gis.Formats.BmpW.BmpWDriver.CanOpenLayers
- M:Aspose.Gis.Formats.BmpW.BmpWDriver.OpenLayer(Aspose.Gis.AbstractPath,Aspose.Gis.RasterDriverOptions)
- T:Aspose.Gis.Formats.JpegW.JpegWDriver
- P:Aspose.Gis.Formats.JpegW.JpegWDriver.CanOpenLayers
- M:Aspose.Gis.Formats.JpegW.JpegWDriver.OpenLayer(Aspose.Gis.AbstractPath,Aspose.Gis.RasterDriverOptions)
- T:Aspose.Gis.Formats.PngW.PngWDriver
- P:Aspose.Gis.Formats.PngW.PngWDriver.CanOpenLayers
- M:Aspose.Gis.Formats.PngW.PngWDriver.OpenLayer(Aspose.Gis.AbstractPath,Aspose.Gis.RasterDriverOptions)
- T:Aspose.Gis.Formats.TiffW.TiffWDriver
- P:Aspose.Gis.Formats.TiffW.TiffWDriver.CanOpenLayers
- M:Aspose.Gis.Formats.TiffW.TiffWDriver.OpenLayer(Aspose.Gis.AbstractPath,Aspose.Gis.RasterDriverOptions)
- M:Aspose.Gis.Formats.Database.IDatabaseDataSource.ReadAsync(System.Data.Common.DbConnection,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object})
- M:Aspose.Gis.Formats.Database.IDatabaseDataSource.ReadAsync(System.Data.Common.DbConnection,System.Data.Common.DbTransaction,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object})
- M:Aspose.Gis.VectorLayer.FindIndex(System.Func{Aspose.Gis.Feature,System.Boolean})
Following members have been removed:
- M:Aspose.Gis.Formats.Database.IDatabaseDataSource.ReadAsync(System.Data.Common.DbConnection)
What’s can you help in developement:
Please check new article Aspose.GIS Updates: Editing Features and Geometries and saving changes to the database.. This article with example can help you to create your own GIS Web Services with rendering of Maps.
Usage examples:
GISNET-1683. Add Support of Raster Formats (JPEG, PNG, TIFF) with World Files
public void CombineImages()
var layer_1 = Drivers.PngW.OpenLayer("africa left.png");
var layer_2 = Drivers.PngW.OpenLayer("africa right.png");
var map = new Map(800, 600);
map.Render(DriverAssert.GetTempName() + ".map.png", Renderers.Png);
public void DifferentScale()
var layer_1 = Drivers.JpegW.OpenLayer("world1.jpg");
var layer_2 = Drivers.PngW.OpenLayer("world_big.png");
var map = new Map(800, 600);
map.Render(DriverAssert.GetTempName() + ".map.jpg", Renderers.Jpeg);
public void VectorRasterCombine()
var layer_1 = Drivers.JpegW.OpenLayer("world1.jpg");
var layer_2 = Drivers.Shapefile.OpenLayer("ug.shp");
var map = new Map(800, 600);
map.Render(DriverAssert.GetTempName() + ".map.jpg", Renderers.Jpeg);
GISNET-1710. Implement an API that allows to find out the index of a feature in a layer
public void FindIndex()
int index = -1;
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
using (var layer = VectorLayer.Create(AbstractPath.FromStream(memoryStream), Drivers.GeoJson))
layer.Attributes.Add(new FeatureAttribute("id", AttributeDataType.Integer));
var f = layer.ConstructFeature();
f.SetValue("id", 0);
var f = layer.ConstructFeature();
f.SetValue("id", 1);
var f = layer.ConstructFeature();
f.SetValue("id", 2);
memoryStream.Position = 0;
using (var layer = Driver.OpenLayer(AbstractPath.FromStream(memoryStream)))
index = layer.FindIndex(x => x.GetValue<int>("id") == 1);
GISNET-1664. After the intersection has been completed the SpatialReferenceSystem property is NULL
public void PercentageOfOverlap()
var pointSetA = Geometry.FromText("GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT (30.645676 52.54734), POINT (30.631256 52.533558), POINT (30.661125 52.533558))",
var pointSetB = Geometry.FromText("GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT (30.653915 52.540867), POINT (30.677261 52.546713), POINT (30.683784 52.532096))",
IGeometry poligonA = pointSetA.GetExtent().ToPolygon();
IGeometry poligonB = pointSetB.GetExtent().ToPolygon();
IGeometry intersection = poligonA.Intersection(poligonB);
SpatialReferenceSystem destSrs = SpatialReferenceSystem.CreateFromEpsg(102013);
var transformation = SpatialReferenceSystem
poligonA = transformation.Transform(poligonA);
poligonB = transformation.Transform(poligonB);
intersection = transformation.Transform(intersection);
var intersectionArea = intersection.GetArea();
var poligonAArea = poligonA.GetArea();
var poligonBArea = poligonB.GetArea();
var poligonAPercentageOfOverlap = intersectionArea / poligonAArea * 100;
var poligonBPercentageOfOverlap = intersectionArea / poligonBArea * 100;
// trim the fractional part to the required number of digits (4)
Assert.AreEqual(intersection.SpatialReferenceSystem, destSrs);
Assert.AreEqual(23.0407d, Math.Floor(poligonAPercentageOfOverlap * 10000)/10000);
Assert.AreEqual(21.7240d, Math.Floor(poligonBPercentageOfOverlap * 10000)/10000);
GISNET-1721. Bug related with wrong SQL commands related with replacement feature (DELETE and INSERT instead of UPDATE)
// No example. This bug could be found when you tried to work with SQL
GISAPP-1225. Add SQL parameters for queries
public async Task NeighboringRegionsWithParametrs()
string region = "Гомельская вобласць";
double min_x = 3380351.1384130865;
double max_x = 3385243.108222656;
double min_y = 6863433.6428271476;
double max_y = 6868325.6126367189;
var ds = Drivers.PostGis
WITH envelope (box) AS (
VALUES(ST_MakeEnvelope(@min_x, @min_y, @max_x, @max_y, 3857))
a.osm_id,, a.admin_level, a.boundary, a.population, a.way_area, ST_AsEWKB(ST_ClipByBox2D(a.way, AS way
tmp_planet_osm_belarus AS a
tmp_planet_osm_belarus AS b ON = @Region
ST_Touches(a.way, b.way);")
.AddAttribute("osm_id", AttributeDataType.Long)
.AddAttribute("name", AttributeDataType.String)
var layer = await ds.ReadAsync(_conn,
new Dictionary<string, object>()
{ "Region", region },
{ "min_x", min_x },
{ "max_x", max_x },
{ "min_y", min_y },
{ "max_y", max_y }
new[] { "Мінская вобласць", "Брэсцкая вобласць", "Магілёўская вобласць" },
layer.Select(x => (string)x.GetValue("name"))
GISAPP-1720. Transaction support for data fetching has been added
using (var transaction = _conn.BeginTransaction())
var layer = await ds.ReadAsync(_conn);
var layer = await ds.ReadAsync(_conn, transaction);
foreach (var feature in layer)
feature.SetValue("name", "test");
await ds.SubmitChangesAsync(layer, _conn, transaction);